Congratulations on Cooperation Day. Congratulations on the holiday verse International Cooperation Day Congratulations on International Cooperation Day in prose

A holiday that is considered international and is celebrated on the first Saturday of July. On this day, all cooperatives in the world demonstrate unity and cohesion in solving large and small problems. And on the eve of this holiday, the International Cooperative Alliance sends out a special Declaration to the organizations that are part of it, which reflects the most significant, at a given time, tasks of the entire cooperative movement. The document also notes some political demands.

And yet, cooperation day is, first of all, a holiday. Since 1923, it has been celebrated on a grand scale by everyone involved in this industry. Agricultural and fishing, consumer and credit, sales and housing cooperation have their representatives, who on this day feel especially happy that they are members of a strong and serious association.

Show congratulations

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It's so great to collaborate
You are for me, and I am for you;
Cooperation lives on
Everywhere on earth.

And we, her fans,
Having found benefit in it,
Let's cooperate with friends
Hurry around you.

After all, we don't just have fun,
And doubly joyful.
Hooray for cooperation,
Hurray for you and me!


One is not a warrior in the field, a team is needed here,
Gathered good people, created a cooperative,
After all, it is collectively easier and doubly profitable,
Cooperation is blossoming all over the world!

I want to congratulate you on Cooperation Day,
Let there be more profit, you have my friends,
Let the business prosper, grow both in breadth and upward,
May good luck and success always accompany you!


Cooperator, you and I are partners,
We are not afraid of creditor sharks,
Together we will raise the business,
And together we will count money!

Let the business move rapidly forward,
And to our delight, the profit will increase,
May life give us better days,
And now I give you poetry!

I wish you happiness with your devoted wife,
Good love, simply unearthly,
Let what is planned always come true,
And you will be a man no matter where!


Cooperators, we wish you health
On your wonderful and best Day.
You always lead the country's economy
To great success, prosperity, beauty.

So that monopolists do not rule the country.
So that we always receive only quality.
So may your sky be forever clear.
So that your health is strong for years to come.

Let your work bring you prosperity in your home.
May there be a lot of warmth in your life.
We wish you great, unfeigned love,
So that your world is full of happiness and beauty.


Accounts, finances, plans and loans -
My head is always full of all this
And every time the answer will be short,
But what can you do? You are a cooperator.

Find some time to relax today
Immerse yourself in fun
To spend the holiday with dignity,
Relax, spend decently.


People cooperate
To bring more benefit -
It will be difficult alone
Let them reach the end of the road.

They won’t even be able to do the maximum
To benefit from the business,
It will fail
And they should save their strength.

Therefore, the more mass,
The more benefit and goodness.
Give cooperative classes!
Congratulations to everyone right in the morning!


The cooperative principle -
If you are for me, I am for you!
There's no need to be naive here.
Yes, and laziness is to your detriment.

We produce goods
We sell them together.
Working off the old one
In economics, reception.

So that we can increase trade,
Small business development,
There is a remedy, it is not new -
Create a cooperative!


So that the undertakings bring benefits,
We need cooperation! Give me a co-op!
Let the business prosper and profits only grow,
And let cooperation lead us to this!

Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!
Let them unite
Counting the profits!


Happy Cooperation Day, smart guys,
You unite, it’s easier to go this way,
I sincerely wish: now, as once upon a time
There wouldn't be so many obstacles on the way.

I want to wish you every success,
Stay true to your cause
I wish you joy, love, and laughter,
It’s easier to be together, it’s difficult to be alone!


You are the organizer of collective affairs,
Dexterous, smart, business-like - cooperator,
An optimist in life, you love positivity,
That's why your cooperative thrives!

I congratulate you on Cooperation Day,
Profit 200%, as if from the bush,
Let there be luck and success in life,
May you always be the best in everything!


It can be difficult to live alone,
But with two or three it’s much easier.
So they appear where needed
Cooperative... and Co.

And the movement gained such strength,
What brought the individual farmer to zero.
Showing it to the whole world,
If you want to earn money, then so be it.

Happy Cooperation Day, colleagues,
Why colleagues, you are friends.
After working, remain in bliss,
After all, you can’t overwork yourself.


Happy Day of Uniting Goals, Interests,
May there be progress in your common Cause!
Let all the doors in life be open,
May you be healthy, happy and well-fed!
Let the union grow stronger in a united society,
Let the cooperative be durable and strong!


Life is bad without cooperation,
Working together will save us strength,
If we all get down to business together,
Then it will burn out, of course.

Let all around, wherever you look,
Cooperatives are flourishing
And the economic downturn
Do not break their undoubted strength!

What a word - cooperative!
There is so much unity and will in him!
And just members, and his assets
Profitable shares are measured by shares.
Even if the life of a cooperator is difficult,
But your voice means a lot!
For all cooperators to the bottom,
And a little for everyone specifically!

International Cooperation Day
Greeted with rapturous applause,
After all, the work of cooperators is priceless,
He will support the economy with the population,
He will cope with unnecessary waste,
Will help you become successful and rich,
He will protect the business from ruin,
Spreading in different directions!
Congratulations to the cooperators!
Let the partner help the other,
Let their work lead to success,
Let cooperation strengthen and grow!

Friends, girlfriends, citizens,
I'm happy to congratulate everyone
Happy Cooperation Day
And wish you awards!
Let everything go wrong in business,
Like a river it flows.
Everything will be rewarded a hundredfold
A hundred years into the future.

Congratulations on the International Day of Cooperation and I would like to wish you confident actions and, undoubtedly, successful activities, a significant contribution to solving large-scale issues and constant mutual support of the participants. Let the cooperative flourish, let even the most global problem be easily solved.

We know that in a cooperative
True, brothers, democracy -
There is no one in the passive -
We are a very responsible brother.
Share and voice are equivalent things,
This means everyone will have an opinion,
To make a five-digit profit,
So that the budget can be replenished.
So let's be together at the meeting
Let's make a very important decision -
Pour everyone for what was said earlier
And for everything, respect for each other!

In July the holiday comes to us -
Happy Cooperative Day!
And we wish you today
Patience, literacy, strength,
To withstand any fight,
Maintain your glorious business,
Give the losses a mortal fight
And defeat violations,
Create a cooperative and sail
On the crest of a profitable wave,
And don’t forget about partners,
After all, their advice is so important!

Gentlemen, cooperators and all those who have even a small connection with this day, let me wish you success in all your endeavors. Let all your new ideas be boldly brought to life and be doomed to success. Keep profits high and costs low. Happy holiday, Happy International Cooperation Day.

Happy Cooperation Day to you,
The whole planet celebrates
Happiness, joy, goodness,
And don’t believe it, look at the signs!
Smile, be yourself
Serve society for the good
Say goodbye to sadness
Get prizes and awards!

Each of us is a cooperator -
The law of community will not forget.
Let reformers write their laws,
And our business will always be!

On Cooperation Day
We boldly raise toasts
For support, revenue
We drain all the glasses,
For unity every moment
For the benefit of the people of the whole earth,
For cooperation, okay,
Help, friendship and courage!
Cooperation for us
Being together will always help,
All the prohibitions and debts
We can definitely win!

Cooperators, we wish you health
In your wonderful and best
Day. You always lead the country's economy
To great success, prosperity, beauty.
So that monopolists do not rule the country.
So that we always receive only quality.
So may your sky be forever clear.
So that your health is strong for years to come.
Let your work bring you prosperity in your home.
May there be a lot of warmth in your life.
We wish you great, unfeigned love,
So that your world is full of happiness and beauty.

Who rallied the team? Cooperator!
Let's congratulate him on his holiday!
Success to the triumphant company,
He creates business magic.
Will be able to avoid conflicts
Will give the necessary advice,
He does not dare to offend his colleagues,
Sheds light on all problems.
We wish you more rest,
Success, joy, peaks.
Such good bosses
You are one out of a million.

Congratulations now
Happy Cooperation Day,
She will strengthen
The power and strength of the nation,
Only she will unite
Spheres and departments,
And declare mortal combat
Feel free to riots!
This is the holiday we want
I am pleased to note
Raise nice toasts
For peace and planet!

What cannot be solved by one person can be easily resolved through joint efforts. It was this idea that prompted people to create cooperations. It doesn’t matter what specific problem people solve, the important thing is that thanks to their coordinated common actions, life in society changes for the better. May the cooperative movement continue to flourish throughout the world.

Accounts, finances, plans and loans -
My head is always full of all this.
And every time the answer will be short,
But what can you do? You are a cooperator.
Find some time to relax today
Dive headlong into the fun,
And spend the holiday very worthy,
Relax completely, but decently.

The path from thorns to stars is not easy,
But you, my friend, overcame.
You worked like a slave under the sun,
In the end, he succeeded in the matter.
Let the fruits be very sweet,
Take success with you everywhere.
Let there be rare problems.
Take care of your colleagues.

Let's cooperate
A huge wonderful world,
All the smart guys and smart girls
Let them be united
For the benefit of humanity
Let's all work hard
With smiles and means
Let's share
Let cooperation
Growing and thriving!
We wish you a wonderful day
Congratulations today!

It can be difficult to live alone,
But with two or three it’s much easier.
So they appear where needed
Cooperative... and Co.
And the movement gained such strength,
What brought the individual farmer to zero.
Showing it to the whole world,
If you want to earn money, then so be it.
Happy Cooperation Day, colleagues,
Why colleagues, you are friends.
After working, remain in bliss,
After all, you can’t overwork yourself.

Gentlemen, cooperators and all those who have even a small connection with this day, let me wish you success in all your endeavors. Let all your new ideas be boldly brought to life and be doomed to success. Keep profits high and costs low. Happy holiday, Happy International Cooperation Day!

Happy International Cooperation Day! Let all relationships - both at work and outside of it - be successful, durable and, of course, profitable. Let your partners and associates always remain on your side and support the most successful ideas. Let no hostility arise within cooperatives, but only friendship and the spirit of cooperation. Happy holiday!

What cannot be solved by one person can be easily resolved through joint efforts. It was this idea that prompted people to create cooperations. It doesn’t matter what specific problem people solve, the important thing is that thanks to their coordinated common actions, life in society changes for the better. May the cooperative movement continue to flourish throughout the world.

Congratulations to all specialists on International Cooperation Day! We wish you financial well-being, prosperity and success in your work! Let any task be up to you and your confidence in the future never be in doubt!

For success in general
It is important to understand the rule.
If you went out into the field alone,
You can't hug him.

Well, if a gang comes out -
A real team.
The result is immediately visible -
People will accomplish the feat.

Cooperation unites into a labor union,
She has new resources
On International Day from the heart,
I wish there were advantages everywhere.

So that profits increase significantly,
To have decent companions,
So that you don't feel the need,
To surprise you with the beauty of the mansion.

So that the undertakings bring benefits,
We need cooperation! Give me a co-op!
Let the business prosper and profits only grow,
And let cooperation lead us to this!

Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!
Let them unite
Counting the profits!

One is not a warrior in the field; a team is needed here.
Gathered good people, created a cooperative,
After all, collectively it is doubly easier and more profitable.
Cooperation is blossoming all over the world!

I want to congratulate you on Cooperation Day,
May you have more profits, my friends.
Let the business prosper and grow in breadth and upward.
May good luck and success always accompany you!

You put your minds together and labor and care
And they started a lot of work.
Let your united work prosper,
And only luck lights your path.

Coop would always remain competitive
And also for your children, so that yours can get it.
So that the growth does not fall, and there is rent,
And let the glory of you spread throughout the world.

You and your friends are moving towards a common goal,
Either dividing the profit, or dividing the costs.
You also bear equal responsibility.
Well, happy holiday, cooperator!

Let your income grow, aiming for the clouds,
I wish you success in circling!
Let it decrease, at least slightly,

Happy Day of Uniting Goals, Interests,
May there be progress in your common Cause!
Let all the doors in life be open,
May you be healthy, happy and well-fed!
Let the union grow stronger in a united society,
Let the cooperative be durable and strong!

You are the organizer of collective affairs,
Dexterous, smart, business-like - cooperator,
An optimist in life, you love positivity,
That's why your cooperative thrives!

I congratulate you on Cooperation Day,
Profit 200%, as if from the bush,
Let there be luck and success in life,
May you always be the best in everything!

I sincerely congratulate members and employees of cooperative organizations and enterprises on International Cooperation Day!

Today, consumer cooperatives occupy a significant place in the structure of the national economy. The cooperative movement promotes the development of entrepreneurial activity, and this, in turn, creates additional jobs.

The Government and I personally, as the Prime Minister of Ukraine, support the development of the cooperative movement in Ukraine. That is why the government recently adopted a special program to develop and support service cooperation. Now, together with local authorities, we are working to implement an important task - providing peasants, housewives and small farms with free access to markets.

I am confident that the cooperative sector created and strengthened by your efforts will continue to satisfy the most demanding needs of the population for high-quality goods and services, which will contribute to the growth of the well-being of the country as a whole and the development of the national economy.

Thank you all for your conscientious daily work! I wish you and your families good health, happiness, prosperity, inexhaustible vital energy and optimism.



Please accept my sincere congratulations on International Cooperative Day and the 80th anniversary of the founding of your organization. This is a solid anniversary, worthy of respect. Over the decades of your existence, your fruitful work has been aimed at solving the most important task - the development of the socio-economic life of the region. In conditions of intense competition, your team is not giving up its position even today, maintaining its production and creative potential. We wish you economic prosperity, fruitful activity, stability and confidence in the future, in the success of the common cause. Happy holiday!

Oleg REUTOV, head of the Konosha Municipal District;

Anatoly LEUSHKIN, Chairman of the Municipal Municipality "Konosha Municipal District".


We sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday - International Cooperative Day and the 80th anniversary of Raipo. The fact that your team constantly achieves good results in production activities is a great merit of the people who conscientiously carry out their tasks in any conditions. They were, are and will always be the pride of the district consumer cooperation. We wish you all the best, further success in your work, health, and prosperity!

Vladimir LEVACHEV, Alexey MAKAROV, deputies of the regional Assembly.

THE ADMINISTRATION AND THE HEAD OF THE MUNICIPALITY "KONOSHSKOE" CONGRATULATE THE VETERANS, employees and shareholders of the Konosha District Pool on the International Day of Cooperatives and the 80th anniversary of the Konosha Consumer Cooperation! What is beyond the power of one person can be easily resolved through joint efforts. It was this idea that prompted people to create cooperatives. The important thing about this idea is that thanks to coordinated, united actions, thanks to the spirit of cooperation, thanks to mutual assistance, life in society changes for the better.

We wish the team and departments of the Konosha District Prosperity Department prosperity, the conquest of new production peaks, and success in all endeavors. Let your organizations' profits be high and costs low. Let your partners and associates always remain on your side and support the most successful ideas.

We wish all veterans, employees and shareholders of the Konosha District Pool, your families good health, happiness, prosperity, inexhaustible vital energy and optimism! Happy holiday, dear friends!

Sincerely, the administration team and Alexander KRININ, head of the Konosha municipality.


Please accept my sincere congratulations on the holiday - the 80th anniversary of the Konosha District Pool and the International Day of Cooperatives!

The cooperation of the Konosha region is a system with rich historical experience and traditions. Having preserved its originality and integrity, it increases the volume of economic activity every year, meets the needs of its shareholders and the rural population for goods and services, and helps to sell products grown on private farms. We are confident that we have many significant plans and projects ahead that will be successfully implemented. We wish all employees, veterans and shareholders of consumer cooperation new labor success, stability and prosperity, good health, happiness and prosperity for many years to come to you and your loved ones! Happy holiday!

Vladimir BAZHENOV, Chairman of the Council of the Konosha District Pool.

It is with great pleasure that I congratulate the TEAM OF KONOSH RAIPO AND VETERANS OF CONSUMER OPERATIONS ON BEHALF OF THE POLITICAL COUNCIL OF THE KONOSH BRANCH OF THE UNITED RUSSIA WFP on their professional holiday and 80th anniversary!

Over these years, you have proven your viability, your persistence in finding new solutions so as not to remain on the margins of the economic market, you have proven that your work - bakers, confectioners, and workers in other professions - is in demand by residents of the region. I wish you success in your work, health, happiness and fulfillment of all your desires.

Victor CHUCHMAN, secretary of the political council of the Konosha branch of the UNITED RUSSIA WFP.


Congratulations on International Cooperative Day! We sincerely wish you good health, optimism in life, happiness, stability and calm on the sea of ​​cooperative finance!

Board and Directorate of the Non-Profit Group “Doverie” and “Doverie 2006”.

gastroguru 2017