Competitions for Student's Day are fun and funny. Methodological development (grade 11) on the topic: Scenario for the event “Student’s Day” Student’s Day fun scenario in the library

Smiling faces!
-We really want smiles to shine on your faces not only today, but every day.
-Give your smile to each other and to the whole world. After all, today is our holiday!
-International Students' Day.
- And we sincerely congratulate you on this wonderful holiday!
-Happy Students' Day! Students of the world!
Should we be sad?!
Did the muses really not welcome us?
Wasn’t the world in our hands?!
-Let us forget our sciences,
But lectures are soporific sounds
Capable, if necessary, of coming to life!
We will endure all adversity steadfastly,
Let us rise up cheerfully and answer steadfastly:
Life is easier for those who were students!

International Students Day was established on November 17, 1946 at the World Congress of Students held in Prague, in memory of Czech patriotic students.
-Of course, this holiday is associated with youth, romance and fun, but its history, which began in Czechoslovakia during the Second World War, is associated with tragic events.
-On October 28, 1939, in Nazi-occupied Czechoslovakia, Prague students and their teachers demonstrated to celebrate the anniversary of the formation of the Czechoslovak state (October 28, 1918).
-Occupier units dispersed the demonstration, and medical student Jan Opletal was shot dead. The funeral of Jan Opletal on November 15, 1939 again turned into a protest. Dozens of demonstrators were arrested. On November 17, Gestapo and SS men surrounded the student dormitories early in the morning.
-More than 1,200 students were arrested and imprisoned in a concentration camp. Nine students and student activists were executed without trial in the dungeons of a prison in Prague's Ruzine district. By order of Hitler, all Czech higher education institutions were closed.

Happy Students' Day, young people!
You are the hope of all Russia,
tomorrow you will solve problems,
not resolved yesterday.

So seek and dare,
open treasures of knowledge,
comprehend everything in the world
for the sake of happiness and goodness.
-So - students! The best time of my life! A new life, already completely independent, frightening with its novelty and responsibility.
- Childhood is over, no one will bother you with tests, demand a diary and your parents come to school. Now everything is in your hands, only in yours.
- In Russia, until 1920, students were young specialists who had just graduated from a higher institution, because... it was believed that they did not yet have enough experience.
-Student translated from Latin means hard working, studying, interested. In ancient Rome, this was the name given to all those who were involved in the process of cognition.
(7 people come out with the letters “STUDENT”)
- And translated from Russian, STUDENT means Sleepy Theoretically Smart Child Naturally Unwilling to Work.
- So, students – who are they?

STUDENT 1: I can cook dumplings in a kettle!

STUDENT 2: And I'm soup

STUDENT 3: I can cook foie gras in a kettle... (the other two look at him questioningly) ... probably... I haven't tried it yet!

STUDENT 4: I don’t have to go to a single lecture and pass the test!

STUDENT 5: I don’t have to go to a single lecture and pass the exam!

STUDENT 6: And I can even not come to the exam with a test and pass them!

STUDENT 7: Yes, we understand! You're cool, cool!

STUDENT 6: (offended) Well, speak here yourself. And I’ll go (leaves).

STUDENT 2: I can brew one tea bag 15 times!

STUDENT 3: And I can brew one doshirak 15 times!

STUDENT 5: (shakes hand) I sympathize!... And for 100 rubles I can treat three girls I like in the club to a cocktail!

STUDENT 7: Yes, your signature: “Only each, mind you, a sip” is known throughout!

STUDENT 1: I lost my student ID 100 times. The educational department is already regularly ordering new forms for me.

STUDENT 2: Yes, a book has already been written about my adventures in the dorm.

STUDENT 3: Yeah, complaining! But 4 films have already been made based on my adventures.

STUDENT 6 comes out, takes the letters, and leaves.

STUDENT 4: Uh-uh! Where? We're not done yet! ( run after him)

-Students are first-year students! Student time. It's already gone for you. And it depends only on you what your student years will be like.

Of course, you need to get to know the college, its customs and traditions.
- See what's what, and show yourself.

And it is very difficult to be on time everywhere and everywhere.

But probably!

How? With our help, of course.
- In the meantime, a question for you, or rather not a question, but a riddle, or more precisely, a student riddle:
They are sitting in a large room
A man under fifty.
Take a closer look - everyone has something to do:

Eight are chopping into a "goat"
Nine draw drawings
Five laugh heartily

Six engaged in naval battles
Three are drawing on the tables,
Two people eating plums

Seven read detectives
Four people looking at a magazine
Well, three of them are just sleeping!

And one (kind of strange)
It's already been an hour
And about something out loud
He's talking to himself.

What are your options?

That's right, lecture.
- Yes, students live happily from session to session.

We once again congratulate the freshmen on joining the ranks of our students, but we remind you that a freshman is considered a real student only after the first session.
- On the night before exams, students become suspicious and cheat themselves a lot.

(The student rushes around nervously.)
Voice-over: Think, Sanya, think! Work your head! Use your brains! There is an exit! It cannot not exist. You know exactly what to do. Time is against you, it's time to make a decision. Let's! Do it!
(The student opens the window. The others run out shouting: “No! Don’t do this!”)

Student: - It’s too late... (shouts out the window “Freebie come!”)


Friends, as we just realized, a simple exam for a student is already an extreme situation, especially if there is only one night left before it.
- By the way, people are wondering if examiners allow you to use notes?

Of course, just don't show it.
- It still turns out that it’s better not to fail the session - it’s more expensive for yourself! Probably, there are some rules, if you follow them, you will definitely pass the session successfully?

Of course, there are: don’t sleep during lectures, don’t wrap sausage in notes, know the teachers by sight,

know what subject the exam is in, know the subject of the exam itself, be able to quickly respond to your last name, be able to find an audience without a navigator... Well, and much more!
- Let's remember all the signs that ensure successful passing of exams!
- Do not wash your hair during the entire session,
- Scold the person taking the exam, but do not call him a fool,
- Sleep with a textbook under your pillow.
- This is the kind of students we are.

(Scene with grandmother)
- Guys, where have you been?

In club.

Where does the money come from?

Max spent.

We've been used to getting freebies all our lives.

As if you weren’t students and weren’t having fun.

Yes, we haven’t had that much fun yet. We danced, drank compote, did crossword puzzles and did step dance. What do you have? (dances) I don’t understand you students. So you shout out the window, “Freebie come,” but you don’t study. It does not matter. Why shout “Thinner torso” and not run. How do you talk? "Hello, Bear!" " How are you?" But soon you will only have one word left: “Tough!” . I met a girl yesterday. Well, how is she? Tough! I went to the cinema. And How? Tough! What do you think, after the concert Irina Anatolyevna should stand up and say: “The concert was terrible?”
I.A. - It’s really tough!
- In general, guys, I envy you. Because student years are the best years of our lives.



- And of course, every self-respecting student should know the Law of Students.

1. If you wake up yourself, wake up your comrades. A fresh stream of obscene language will help you drive away sleep and give you a good boost of energy.

2. Having woken up your comrades, you need to be the first to: grab a shower and toilet, pack a public supply of sandwiches for breakfast, put on your best shoes. As a result, you will receive an additional boost of energy.

3. In college, in the hallways, say hello to everyone over thirty. What if this is your teacher? - You can’t remember everyone, really!

4. When you burst into a lecture quite late, do not distract the teacher by knocking on the door and asking a stupid question: “Can I come in?” If you can’t, they’ll throw you out anyway; if you can, they’ll pretend they didn’t notice.

6. If, suddenly, you are allowed into a lecture, don’t talk, don’t play around, and don’t make noise. Lie down on your desk and sleep peacefully. You'll be talking, playing around and making noise at the next lecture, when you've had enough sleep.

7. Ask as many questions as possible in class, both with and without reason. There is a chance that the teacher will remember you.

8. After classes, your conscience pushes you to the library, but your soul pulls you to the dining room. Follow the dictates of your soul: what is served in the canteen is easier to digest than what is served in the library.
- 9. Conscience suggests working out. Tell her that it's not the end of the semester yet and go to football.

10. After dinner, take a little nap and head to the club.

11. When you go to bed, wake up your comrades. Do not deprive them of the opportunity to rejoice that you have finally appeared alive and well.

12. Start the next day from point No. 1.
- Yeah, the Student Law is more like bad advice.

Of course this is a joke. After all, our students already know how to behave.
- Well, now imagine that all the exams are over and here they are - vacation! Since freedom is very dizzying and deprives your mind, before the holidays you need to draw up an action plan:
- 1) go to my parents in the village, 2) bring meat and potatoes, 3) meet with school friends... 4) catch the train, oh, those potatoes!
- Indeed, a student does not live by potatoes alone, especially since the spirit of mutual assistance and mutual assistance reigns in the hostel! And this means that
- your misfortune is our misfortune,
- your dumplings are our dumplings!
- your clothes are our clothes!
- your notes are our notes!
- And this is great, because it’s a dorm because everything is common! This means that each student’s chances for successful studies and a happy life are multiplied a hundredfold!

Students are the most resourceful,

-: the most fun,

-: the coolest army in the world!

How many more incredible adventures await us in classrooms,

In practice, in exams.

By enrolling in our college, you have made the right life choice.

All your heights are yet to come.

We wish you that your chosen profession becomes your favorite and brings you a feeling of pride and joy from the awareness of your own need for people!

Young specialist: Hello!
Foreman: And don’t get sick. What do you want?
Young specialist: I am a young specialist. Arrived to you by appointment. Here's my diploma.
Foreman:(looking at the diploma) Yes! Your diploma is good. Come on, shout something!
Young specialist: How is this, shout...?
Foreman: How do you scream in the forest
Young specialist:(quietly) Ah-ah-ah
Foreman: Don't be shy, shout louder
Young specialist:(a little louder) Ah-ah-ah
Foreman: Yes, your voice is rather weak. Come on, swear.
Young specialist: How? Right here?
Foreman: Why be shy! Everyone is here. Just swear at me right now.
Young specialist:... impudent
Foreman: No! Can you do something like a man?
Young specialist:... shameless impudent!
Foreman:(sighs) How will you work with people? Let's say the workers didn't show up for the morning shift. What will you tell them?
Young specialist: Well, I will say that this is not good. What...
Foreman: And tomorrow you will carry the bricks yourself. But, for example, there was an urgent project, but the solution was only delivered for half the amount of work. What are you going to say?!
Young specialist: Well... let this be the last time!
Foreman: Yeees! Of course, your diploma is good, but I can’t hire you.
Young specialist: How so?!
Foreman: And like this! I can’t do it!
Young specialist: What are you talking about? What happens?! Did I study in vain for five years?! Was the government wasting money on me in vain?! (starts up) What are you allowing yourself to do?!! He sits here, wipes his pants, and even mocks people, the unfortunate bureaucrat!!!
Foreman: So-so. Carry on
Young specialist: Do you think I'm scared of you?! Do you know what I will do to you now?!
Foreman: That's it, stop! Great! Back to work tomorrow!

-During my student years
we don't go around the mountains
we are looking for the heights,
shortest route

And the engine, of course
we strive to make it eternal,
and at the same time from lectures
sneak away with the girl.

During my student days
we have much to obey,
we draw and count
we are looking for the essence of everything.

We create projects
and all sorts of host innovations
usually excite
our whole nature.

During my student days
we love arguments
and we strive zealously into the world,
and believe in ourselves.

That's probably how it should be
and we are, of course, glad
that they believe in our strength
family and friends.

Our holiday is coming to an end!
-Happy Students' Day, dear friends!

(SONG “Anthem of the Year for Youth - “Who, if not us?”

(Behind the scenes - a guy with a girl)
Girl -………….. look – is everything okay with my suit?!?! Isn't your hair disheveled?!?! Are the shoes clean and the wings straight?
Guy - Yes, everything is fine, but look at me,………………!?!
Girl - Yes, that's good too. Come on, …………, let’s warm up our lips, repeat the tongue twisters: “There is grass in the yard, there is firewood on the grass…………”
Guy: Why did you get up? Come on, go!
Girl: Why am I first?
Guy: Girls have to give in - so come on, go!
Girl: You're always like this... (go on stage)
Presenter: Hello friends!
Host: Hello to all students! To all fellow sufferers...
Presenter: Well, happiness or unhappiness - here you can argue.
Host: Probably everyone who has ever studied at a higher educational institution remembers well the song that became the second hymn to students: but not to those students who are usually depicted poring over textbooks in the stuffy vaults of libraries, but to cheerful, intoxicated students, forever in love and impudent! This is what this hymn would sound like today:
Student anthem
Here I stand on the side,
Remembering everything clearly
And flashes like in a dream
I have a record book in front of me
Here I stand, holding her,
In a moment it will be decided
Or I'll go into the army,
Or study again!
Is it so bad! Well, I failed the class, went into the army for a year, and went into battle with new strength!
Host: Therefore, the anthem would sound like this:
Here I am serving my country,
Departed from the university.
How hard is it for me
To think that I'm a loser!
Presenter: It still turns out that it’s better not to fail the session - it’s more expensive for yourself! Probably, there are some rules, if you follow them, you will definitely pass the session successfully?
Host: Of course, there are:
1. don’t sleep during lectures,
2. do not wrap the sausage in notes,
3. don’t get the flu,
4. know the teachers by sight and by name and patronymic - and correctly,
5. know what subject the exam is in,
6. know the subject of the exam itself,
7. be able to quickly respond to your last name,
8. be able to find an audience without a navigator...
Well, and much more!
Presenter: You probably know that many not very responsible students write notes on several subjects in one notebook. So try to determine which items are encrypted in the combined title of the abstract!
1. Political philosophy... (political science and philosophy)
2. History... (history and literature)
3. Mathematics... (mathematics and science)
4. Logistics... (logic and aesthetics)
5. Psychodrawing... (psychology and drawing)

Presenter: Yes, passing the exam largely depends on luck - remember, there is such a sign that the day before the exams you need to open the window, stick your open record book out and shout: Freebie, come!!!
Host: Let's remember all the signs that ensure successful passing of exams! Everyone will try to remember other signs, and the last one to name their version will receive a prize!
Presenter: It’s good that among the options you named there were no such: a record book with a large bill inserted into it and a night rendezvous with the teacher! This means that the students here are honest, and the female students are decent.
Host: Well, now imagine that all the exams are over and here they are - vacation! Since freedom is very dizzying and deprives your mind, before the holidays you need to draw up an action plan:
go to my parents in the village,
bring meat and potatoes,
meet school friends...
catch the train, come on, those potatoes!
Indeed, a student does not live by potatoes alone, especially since the spirit of mutual assistance and mutual assistance reigns in the hostel! And this means that
1. your misfortune is our misfortune, and what follows from this?
2. your dumplings are our dumplings!
3. your clothes are our clothes!
4. your notes are our notes!
Presenter: And this is great, because it’s a dorm because everything is common! This means that each student’s chances for successful studies and a happy life are multiplied a hundredfold!
And the anthem of a happy student will sound completely different!
The session will be over soon
I'll rent it out decently
I know exactly in advance
Everything will be great!
Host: And this is a great reason for fun, dancing and competitions!
Presenter: The worst thing in student life is what? Of course, the session and exams! And the first competition will be related to this. We have several exam papers. They contain what you must do, otherwise...
Host: Otherwise ARMY!!! Well, or a scrubber in a store...
Presenter: So who is the first to draw a ticket? Well, that’s what I knew – just like in a real exam. Remember that even if you are not able to complete the task, you can apply to become a floor scrubber or join the army.
Host: By the way, that’s not fair!
Presenter: What's not fair?
Host: You didn’t give them the opportunity to even look into your spurs!
Presenter: Oh, so there were no cheat sheets?! Now you will have spurs! I need three pairs of willing people.
So it is! Three will be students, and three will be the commission. Here are ten cheat sheets for the students each. Now we will blindfold the commission, and while they do not see, the students will hide cheat sheets on themselves - for one thing and see who does it better. After this, the commission removes the bandages, selects a student and looks for cheat sheets from him. Whichever teacher found all ten pieces faster won. But with students it’s different - whoever hid their precious spurs more securely won. Clear?
Host: Do you know that at the beginning of the 20th century, the biggest bullies in the world were already students. For any reason (and often without) they started duels. “Scars make a man” - isn’t this where the famous saying comes from? Every self-respecting student had to have at least one such “decoration”, and those who did not receive it in a duel could turn to the services of a cosmetic surgeon.
Presenter: Today there is a much easier way to test yourself for courage and endurance. (The presenter selects 5 people and gives each an egg, informing that one of them is raw. Now each participant must break the egg on his head. The one who gets the raw egg will be the winner. Since all the eggs are boiled, at the moment when four people have already broken their “details”, it will become obvious to everyone that the last participant has a raw egg (although in fact he also has a boiled egg). Thus, after some hesitation and persuasion of the public, it is necessary to bring the person to condition so that he is not afraid. nothing, I boldly broke the egg on my head and found out that it was boiled). For patience, endurance and courage you are entitled to a prize!
Host: We all know that students’ lessons are called “COUPLES,” so for the next competition I need 3 pairs of students (boy-girl).
The competition is called “catch the ball”. The girls are given a balloon, they inflate it, then on command they release the balloon, it flies in an unpredictable direction, and the guy’s task is to catch his balloon faster than the others and return it to his companion. Whoever did it first won. Are the rules clear? Then let's start!
Presenter: And why is this holiday in winter? Couldn't they have chosen a warmer time?
Host: I don’t know why, but it seems to me that this is very convenient, look: it’s winter, it’s cold, how to warm up? Dance!
Presenter: Dance? This is what I love! Let's have a dance competition!
Host: At the same time, we’ll dance ourselves! Need a couple willing to dance. Now the music will start and you will dance, then the music will end, you will go and choose a pair from those who are still sitting, and there will already be two pairs, then these two pairs will disperse to form 4 pairs and so on until there is no dancing the whole hall. (At the end of the competition, the first couple receives prizes for their courage)
Presenter: Today is Students' Day! It was on this day in the 18th century that Empress Elizabeth signed a decree on the opening of Moscow University.
Host: And that's true. But you haven’t said the most important thing yet. Today is Tatiana's Day! A holiday for all lovely girls, girls and women whose name is Tatyana.
Presenter: I ask all Tatianas in this room to rise! Let's greet our charming heroes of the occasion. (Symbolic gifts are given to Tatyana.)
Host: I wonder if the student’s name is Tanya, will she have a double celebration?
Presenter: It turns out like this.
Host: Then happy double holiday to you, dear Tatyana!
Presenter: Well, it seems like everyone was congratulated, both the students and Tatyana.
Host: And Tatiana is a student! Our mission is completed, we can hang out, we are still students ourselves!
Presenter: Well, why dance?! I love discos!
Presenter: Everyone dance!!!

Sketch "The Most Student"
An easy-to-stage humorous miniature that can be shown at a concert in honor of “Student’s Day”, and at initiation into students, and at a graduation party.

LEADING: Student years are filled with various competitions: Mr. University, Miss University, Student Spring, KVN and many, many others, where students can demonstrate their talents and abilities. But we decided to add one more to the list: “The Very Best Student,” where young people would demonstrate their talents of student life. Let's get a look.

CAST: three young people.

There is a chess clock on the table. The young people say their argument and then press them.

STUDENT 1: I can cook dumplings in a kettle!

STUDENT 2: And I'm soup

STUDENT 3: I can cook foie gras in a kettle... (the other two look at him questioningly) ... probably... I haven't tried it yet!

STUDENT 1: I don’t have to go to a single lecture and pass the test!

STUDENT 2: I don’t have to go to a single lecture and pass the exam!

STUDENT 3: And I can even not come to the exam with a test and pass them!

STUDENT 1: Of course! If my uncle was a rector, I could do this too.

STUDENT 3: Well, play here yourself. And I’ll go (leaves).

STUDENT 2: Well, there are still megatitans left! I can brew one tea bag 15 times!

STUDENT 1: I can brew one doshirak 15 times!

STUDENT 2: I can live on one scholarship

STUDENT 1: (shakes hand) I sympathize!... And for 100 rubles I can treat three girls I like in the club to a cocktail!

STUDENT 2: Yes, your signature: “Only each, mind you, a sip” is known throughout the university!

STUDENT 3 comes out: Can I get the rector’s seal (shows everyone the office seal)

STUDENT 1: Yes, we understand! You're cool, cool! (3 leaves) I lost my student ID 100 times. The secretariat is constantly ordering new forms for me.

STUDENT 2: I started marking the equator during my graduation!

STUDENT 1: Yes, a book has already been written about my adventures in the dorm.

STUDENT 2: Yeah, complaining! But based on my adventures, Tinto Brass has already made 4 films.

STUDENT 3 comes out, takes the watch, and leaves.

STUDENT 1: Uh-uh! Where?

STUDENT 2: Can we extend it for another hour?

Sketch – “God of Students”

LEADING: Few people know that on Olympus, in addition to all the other gods, there was also the God of Students. His life was not easy! Let's get a look!

CAST: at the table there are three gods (Zeus, Hermes, Apollo) in white tunics (sheets), then another one appears (GOD OF STUDENTS). It is advisable to play Apollo to a person with the most imperfect figure. You can then build a visual joke around this.

ZEUS: So, God of Students, come in!

The God of Students enters. Tunic covered in ink, dressed slightly sloppily.

ZEUS: Yes, scholarships. Well, tell the Olympus commission about your behavior!

GOD OF STUDENTS: First, please don't call me Scholarship. Considering the size of the scholarships, this is a mockery.

HERMES: What should I call you then? Freebie? Cheat sheet? Always late?

GOD OF STUDENTS: Okay, okay, call it a Scholarship.

ZEUS: Well, tell us how your last six months have been...

GOD OF STUDENTS: Father is at work...

ZEUS: This is what you will tell your parents when you get home. I know. You didn’t come to any of my lectures at Olympus...

GOD OF STUDENTS: Then I will repeat all the lectures from Hephaestus...

HERMES: Oh well. It would be fine if only this was the case, but the Commandant is complaining about you and the God of the Hostel.

GOD OF STUDENTS: Comrade Hermes, Athena and Aphrodite actually came themselves... and in general, you need to knock before entering! So hand it over to the Commandant.

HERMES: Yeah, now you won’t be able to convey it. They evicted you.

APPOLO:, but I think that we are too strict with the boy. All of us, with the exception of me, are not perfect.

HERMES:, the fact that you got the role of Apollo by lot doesn’t mean anything.

ZEUS: In general, scholarships. We will expel you from Olympus!


ZEUS: Yes. And your comrades: Konyakus and Confetius, I think, will no longer help.

HERMES: God Military Commissariat has already asked about you!

GOD OF STUDENTS: Give me a chance to improve! I won't let you down!

HERMES: Alas! This won’t work here: we have Olympus, not the Russian national football team.

APPOLO: But there is good news (GOD OF STUDENTS perks up) You can take a photo with me for free!

GOD OF STUDENTS: Okay, I'll leave. But, not because he gave up, but what would happen next, students studying mythology had to learn one less god!

Sketch for student's day

Young specialist: Hello!
Chairman of the collective farm: And don’t get sick. What do you want?
Young specialist: I am a young specialist. Arrived to you by appointment. Here's my diploma.
Chairman of the collective farm: (after looking at the diploma) Yes! Your diploma is good. Come on, shout something!
Young specialist: How is it, shout...?
Chairman of the collective farm: How are you shouting in the forest?
Young specialist: (quietly) Ah-ah-ah
Chairman of the collective farm: Don’t be shy, shout louder
Young specialist: (a little louder) Ah-ah-ah
Collective farm chairman: Yes, your voice is rather weak. Come on, swear.
Young specialist: How? Right here?
Chairman of the collective farm: Why be shy! Everyone is here. Just swear at me right now.
Young specialist: ... impudent
Collective farm chairman: No! Can you do something like a man?
Young specialist: ... shameless impudent!
Chairman of the collective farm: (sighs) How will you work with people? For example, the milkmaids did not come out for morning milking. What will you tell them?
Young specialist: Well, I’ll say that it’s not good. What...
Chairman of the collective farm: And tomorrow you will milk the cows yourself. But, for example, the shepherd brought only half of his flock in the evening. What will you tell him?!
Young specialist: Well... let this be the last time!
Chairman of the collective farm: Yes-ah! Of course, your diploma is good, but I can’t hire you.
Young specialist: How so?!
Collective farm chairman: That’s it! I can’t do it!
Young specialist: What are you talking about! What happens?! Did I study in vain for five years?! Was the government wasting money on me in vain?! (starts up) What are you allowing yourself to do?!! He sits here, wipes his pants, and even mocks people, damn bureaucrat!!!
Collective farm chairman: Yes, yes. Carry on
Young specialist: Do you think I was scared of you?! Do you know what I will do to you now?! Goat!!!
Collective farm chairman: That's it, stop! Great! Back to work tomorrow!

Sketch for Student's Day 2

Introduction: introduce the course of events that Vera falls asleep and has such a dream.

So, who is ready to answer on the topic of our seminar? Not a single hand! Ugliness! With such a reluctance to learn, I will not allow you to attend the session!
1.Karenina (Karenina extends her hand)
Thank God, at least Karenina is ready! I'm listening to you, Anechka!

Actually, I didn’t want to answer, sorry, but I need to leave urgently! I'm late for the train! (leaves in a hurry)
Teacher: Disgusting attendance! Anna earns another deuce.
2. Hamlet
So... since there are no volunteers, I call from the list.
Prince of Denmark! And when will you put your name in the dean’s office!

O women, your name is treachery!
How insignificant, flat and stupid
It seems to me that the whole world is in its aspirations!
So you're not ready for the seminar either?
I saw my father's spirit...
What is in me is truer than a game;
And this is all outfit and tinsel.
3. Don Quixote.
Teacher: Alonso Quijano, answer! Wake up! I'm talking to you!
Don Quixote, waving his sword and killing invisible enemies, exclaims that he will save the Beautiful Lady, strives to take Vera by the hand...
4. Dowryless woman
Larisa, you are always ready, set an example for these slackers on how to respond at seminars!
Larisa: Onegin copied everything from me! The thing... yes, the thing! They are right, I am a thing, I am not a person.... I refuse to answer! (wrings hands and sits down)

5. Onegin
Oh, legs, legs! where are you now?
Where do you crush spring flowers?

Do not be distructed! Why aren't you ready to answer?
The English spleen has taken over me...
6. Oblomov
Oblomov, stop chewing! Take the trouble to answer!
Oh... I should get ready next time... I'll have you bring me some paper... and a pen... oh, how sweet the pies were in Oblomovka... maybe we'll leave everything and go there with you. ..
2! And you will eat outside the door, and dress more decently!!
He doesn’t go anywhere, shrugs his shoulders good-naturedly and sits down lazily and imposingly
7. Raskolnikov.
Raskolnikov! How do you explain your idleness?
I am a poor student, crushed by poverty...
Two, Rodion! This is not an explanation!
Rodya, taking out an ax:
Am I a trembling creature or am I entitled?!
The teacher is horrified:
5! Sit down, sit down, calm down! Okay, that's enough for me! This group is impossible to work with!

Games for celebrating in a student group

Time Machine
You need to prepare in advance a large envelope or box, several ordinary envelopes, paper and markers. All current students present are invited to write a letter to their future selves. Then all the letters are put into envelopes, then into a box, all this is sealed and entrusted to a reliable person for safekeeping. Imagine how interesting it will be to read your message after... years, when your studies come to an end.
The game conditions can be changed at your discretion. For example, if there are students finishing their studies, they can write themselves a letter and open it 10 years later.

Everyone is given cards with theater assignments and is asked to read a poem according to the assignment received. As a rhyme, you can use a verse known to everyone from childhood:

Our Tanya is crying loudly,
She dropped a ball into the river.
Hush, Tanya, don’t cry,
The ball will not drown in the river.
As assignments, you can offer to read a poem as a love confession, a denunciation by telephone, the last speech before execution, a speech at a rally, etc.

Who ate the carrots?
Prepare carrots (cucumber, banana, apple, loaf...) in advance. Everyone stands in a circle, the driver comes to the center. Players behind their backs pass carrots to each other. At the same time, everyone tries to bite off a piece of carrot while the driver is distracted. The driver's task is to guess who is currently holding the carrot in their hands. If the driver guesses right, he changes places with the one who had the carrot. The driver whose carrot was eaten performs a forfeit.

The quiz can be literary, serious or comic. Depending on what profession the students present in the company are mastering, you can draw up a series of questions in some narrow focus and organize a competition for the most savvy and intellectual. Everyone present can take part in the quiz, because it’s interesting to remember your student knowledge.

For example:
- make up questions on literature, geography, chemistry, mathematics;
- you can actually play out everything in the form of riddles using your wits;
- ask to name film and theater actresses whose name is “Tatyana”;
- suggest recalling famous works in which the name “Tatyana” is mentioned;
- ask to name all derivative names from the name “Tatyana”.
For the quiz, you can prepare cards in advance with questions, riddles, with portraits, frames from films that will depict women, girls, girls named Tatyana, and use them instead of oral questions.

Two members are appointed as "dormitory commandants". A dormitory is a chair on which you need to seat as many people as possible. Although even any participant simply holding the chair with his palm, and not just sitting on it, is considered “settled”. The commandant whose “dormitory” accommodates the most residents wins.

Pull the ticket

Comic tasks are written on pieces of paper. For example, crow ten times, dance a national dance, sing a song in a bass voice, etc. Participants in the competition are asked to draw a ticket with a task. But it's not that simple. A strict “commission” asks additional questions, asks to repeat this or that action at a slow or accelerated pace, to accompany some action with sounds, and sounds with movements. And only after that he gives his assessment.

How about clogs?

Students are cheerful and interesting people, and they often get along with each other, as they say, on a weak basis. They select male participants and seat them on chairs. The presenter asks the question: “Are you weak?” and then a pause, he pulls out a machine from behind his back. Is it bad for male students to shave one leg, say, for a bottle of champagne or some other tasty prize? Anyone who agrees begins the process at the “start” command. We award a prize to the most dexterous master who can shave his leg efficiently.


Participants in the competition are asked to hide “spurs” (candies) on themselves. Then one “teacher” enters and tries, without touching the participants’ hands, to determine exactly where each of them hid the “spur.” After which the procedure is repeated with another “teacher”. The winner is the one who accurately points to the most places where the candies are hidden.


Participants are asked to come up with and write on a piece of paper a non-existent word denoting an action. For example, “whirl up”, “become dumbfounded”, “doze off” or something else. Then everyone hands over their pieces of paper to the presenter, and he announces that practical classes are beginning. After that, the participants take turns approaching the presenter, pulling out a piece of paper and showing what the action indicated there looks like in practice. The most artistic participant wins.

Eternally hungry people

This is not just a competition, but also an extra reason to have a great meal, since it is known that students are always hungry people. So, in front of each participant on a plate are three belyash (cheburek, donut or any other tasty “product”). At the “start” command, participants begin to eat the contents of their plate, but without using their hands. The student who was the hungriest and who trampled down all the contents of his plate faster than the others won.

Smart to the teeth

The competition is quite simple in description, but not so easy to complete in reality. 2-3 students participate; accordingly, the board is divided into several parts according to the number of participants. Each participant receives chalk, which they need to take with their teeth, and at the command “start” the guys write a certain hidden phrase on the board with chalk in their teeth. For example, the phrase “Happy Student’s Day, my favorite group.” The participant who completes the task faster and writes a phrase with his teeth will win and receive a prize.

The wisest philosopher

Since philosophy is taught in all faculties and sometimes helps students in life, you can just check which of the guys is better versed in philosophy. For this competition you need to prepare statements by different philosophers, for example,
1. Any human knowledge begins with intuition, moves to concepts and ends with ideas. (Kant);
2. To speak well about virtue does not mean to be virtuous, and to be fair in thoughts does not mean to be fair in practice. (Aristotle);
3. A capable person suffers from the desire to become even more capable. (Confucius).
There are a huge number of these phrases in any philosophy textbook. So, the presenter reads the phrases one by one, and the students guess who these words belonged to. For one answer - one point, and whoever has more points is the winner, and accordingly - the wisest philosopher.

Chemical elements in your pocket

The guys are divided into several teams of about 7 people. In 5 minutes, students must show dexterity and ingenuity and find any chemical elements in their possession, for example, ferrum - an iron watch, argentum - a silver chain, silicon - in a lighter, sulfur - in matches, and so on. The team that collects the most other chemical elements will win.

Famous students

For this competition, it is necessary to prepare pictures or photos of various famous people who at one time studied at institutes, for example, Pavel Volya - a teacher of Russian language and literature, Martirosyan - a doctor, and so on. The guys are divided into small teams. The presenter shows one picture of a famous person, and the teams must guess what specialty this famous person studied. For the correct answer, the team receives a point. The team that gives the most correct answers will win.

Games. Competitions.">

Games and competitions for Student's Day


Everyone stands up and lines up at the back of the head in one large circle. Next you need to stand as close to each other as possible, making the circle narrower. Then comes the main and most difficult part.

Try to bend your legs all at the same time and sit on each other’s knees. If it works, it’s too early to rejoice! Now try to stay in this position and extend your arms to the sides.

Yeah, they fell!!! Well, never mind, next time choose stronger and more reliable friends.


A children's game that is especially suitable for adult groups. Precautionary measures: clear a large area of ​​foreign objects (tables, chairs, vases of flowers, photographs of family and friends).

The whole friendly company lines up in a circle. One person is chosen as the host and goes into the next room or goes to a nearby tree (if the event is held in the forest). The rest hold hands tightly, forming a chain closed in a circle.

Next, without letting go of your hands, you need to confuse the chain as much as possible. You can turn, twist, step over your hands, crawl anywhere, but under one condition: under no circumstances let go of your neighbor’s hands. Your tangle should resemble the “beard” that unlucky fishermen get from their fishing line.

Having twisted to the limit, call the leader and keep in mind that you only have a few minutes to untangle (otherwise the whole company, standing with their arms, legs, etc., twisted, may never regain their original position). The presenter begins to turn the chain back, and again, you cannot let go of your hands (grit your teeth and endure, otherwise you will fail the whole experiment). The most “collapsed” ones can suggest where to move next, and those stuck in the most “painful” points can give distress signals.

"Get in line!"

In this game you are invited to practice formations and try to predict all possible life situations. It is best to first split into two teams. The formation must be carried out in teams according to the given task. Whoever is faster wins.

The winners can be promised some kind of prize, but it will go well even without a prize.

First situation. The kindest man, a charming lieutenant colonel, takes a roll call of recruits on the parade ground. Assignment: stand one after another so that the names of the players are in alphabetical order (for especially gifted players, it is suggested to line up in reverse alphabetical order).

Count on “first or second” on command!

Second situation. All the players' shoes became leaky at the same time and they gave them to the same shoemaker. The time has come to return the order, and he, poor fellow, is confused about who he owes what to.

Task: stand in a row according to your foot size.

Third situation. A recently formed fitness club in your city has announced recruitment for the vacant position of massage therapist in the women's (if desired, men's) gym. Task: immediately line up according to the size of your palm.

Fourth situation. The Beer Lovers Party calls for voting for beer, drinking beer and living a cool life. Large containers for carrying and storing beer (your precious tummies) are welcome.

Task: distribute the players by waist size.

Fifth situation. The maniac strangler is on the warpath. The city hall asks residents not to appear on the city streets even during the day.

All the children are sitting at home, the women are locked in the kitchens, the men... whoever managed to go where. The residents are doomed; there is no escape from the killer. Assignment: courageously line up in a row according to neck size, so that it is more convenient for the maniac to carry out his dirty deed.

Sixth situation. A series of new state-of-the-art spacesuits have arrived at the space station. However, the developers overdid it

equipment built into the spacesuits, and the size of the helmets turned out to be too large. Now only particularly “brainy” cosmonauts will be able to

carry out research flights. Assignment: line up according to head size and identify a potential cosmonaut among the guests.

Seventh situation. Announcement: “A gilded mask with diamond decorations was found at a festive masquerade ball held at the Palace of Conventions. Please contact the owner of the mask.”

Assignment: applicants for a mask should line up according to the size of their eyes and the degree of their impudence.

"Tell someone else"

The game is perfect for large groups of both familiar and unfamiliar people; it promotes communication, unity and just general fun.

First of all, players scatter around the apartment (or recreation area) in search of any small things. Everything that the owner (or forester, or watchman) allows to take is put into one pile. It is advisable to check the collected items for cleanliness and place them in “sterile” conditions, for example on a table or chair, but not on the floor. There may be an apple, an orange, a soft toy, matches, a balloon, a ball, a piece of wood, etc.

It is best to play in two teams. Let the losers go get beer! It is possible, of course, to carry out a general mobilization and line up in one tight circle.

In this case, everyone will win, and these “everyone” should be sent for beer.

So, everyone took their starting positions. One, two, three, the game begins. It is necessary to pass objects around “who is faster” in a circle, but in such a way as not to take them with your hands.

Anyone who drops an object or grabs it with their hands is mercilessly removed from the game. You can help yourself with anything, just not with your hands.

There are some transmission features that must be observed. A balloon is passed using your elbows (bend your elbows and act), an apple is passed using your teeth (you need to bite it and, holding it with your teeth, pass it on), an orange is passed using your neck (squeezed between the chin and shoulder), a soft toy is passed with your knees , the match is passed with teeth (players grab the match from different sides).

Before we start the game of "blind", let's first play "We are not locals ourselves." Pick up your hat and walk around the circle. Let everyone put in it the most valuable thing they have.

It is best if it is a watch, a car keychain, favorite earrings, glasses without a case, a photograph of a loved one.

Next, you should choose the most responsible and careful person from the entire company. Together with him, carefully place the collected things on the floor. Then tell him that he will have to walk blindfolded between these objects.

Having entrusted such an important mission to the player, allow him to align the objects again, give him a few minutes to take a closer look at their order and location. The player must remember everything as accurately as possible so as not to accidentally step on anything, otherwise a mistake could be fatal.

So, the intimidated player is blindfolded and taken aside. At this time, all things are very quietly removed from the floor and moved to a more secure place. The player is turned around three times, stopped and directed to where the things used to be.

He begins to take his first steps, and at this time your exclamations are heard: “Careful, this is my only watch! Where are you going, there is all my future state

Father's car! Ah-ah-ah, you almost crushed my glasses, am I going to drink beer blindly?! Be careful, go to the left, put your foot closer, oh no!..”

The unfortunate victim covers the entire distance, sweating from anxiety and excitement. Now you can approach the player, untie his eyes and turn him to face the “precious path”.

"Understand me"

The game is played as a team. It is best if it is possible for all players to first be in one room, and from there, one by one, to go to another. As a last resort, you will have to come up with something so that the players do not hear each other during the game.

So, the whole team is locked in one room. The presenter remains in the other. He thinks of a word and calls the first player. The presenter begins to explain the intended word to the player, without calling him by his name.

You can use comparisons, pantomime, but don’t say the word itself.

The player tries to guess. However, he does not have the right to ask questions. If he does not guess on the first try, then the presenter tries a second time.

However, with each new attempt you cannot use the previous explanations. You definitely have to come up with something new, otherwise the word won’t count.

Once the player has guessed the word, he calls the next member of the room and tries to pass the word on. The host must ensure that other players do not eavesdrop at the door. To make the game even more challenging, you can limit the explanation time, such as 30 seconds for each person or a few minutes for the whole team.


The game goes as follows. Prepare a beautiful neckerchief in advance. Everyone should stand in a circle. One person is selected as the host, he will be responsible for the music.

Its main task is, firstly, to select energetic, incendiary melodies, and secondly, at a certain moment to press the “on” button.

One person goes to the middle of the circle and puts a scarf around his neck. And he doesn’t just throw it on, he ties it with a bow. This is a must.

The music turns on and the person starts dancing in the middle of the circle. Having made several spectacular “steps”, the player must pass his handkerchief to someone from the circle. In this case, the handkerchief must be tied in a knot, and the person

Kiss. Now the new “carrier” of the handkerchief comes to the middle of the circle.

You can dance and show off in the spotlight as much as your heart desires. The only thing, remember that at the most unexpected moment the music turns off, and the one who remains in the circle must loudly shout everyone’s favorite “ku-ka-re-ku!”

The volunteer stands with his back to the other participants in the game and closes his eyes. The players sit in a semicircle, one of them extends his hand forward and quickly touches the leader’s back. Once this has happened, the leader can turn around.

However, the players also stand ready. All of them, both the one who touched the back and those who had nothing to do with it, extend their hand forward, making a sign as if they are slowing down a car on the street. At the same time, all the players, as one, declare: “I am!”, meaning that it was they who touched the leader’s back. Presenter's task

Determine who actually touched him.

If the presenter guesses who made a joke on him, then he stands in a circle, exchanging places with the joker. And if not, then he suffers for the second, third, fourth time until he catches the joker red-handed.

"Who is this?"

The game requires you to guess the person. Your friends won’t have to dress up in “down and feathers,” but it won’t hurt to use a blanket. Find a sheet or large blanket.

Select two “pillars”, that is, strong people who can hold the fabric throughout the game. So…

First test.

The girls are hiding behind the covers. The young men turn away for a while. Girls stick out their left or right leg from under the bedspread by agreement (with or without shoes, up to the ankle or

to the knee, the main thing is that the skirts are not visible). Then the “brides” call their “grooms,” and the boys take turns trying to guess which girl’s leg belongs to which.

Test two.

The young men are hiding behind the blanket. The girls leave for a while to give the boys a chance to get ready. During this time

the young men put their hands out from behind the blanket (it is more convenient to do this at the lower edge of the fabric, near the floor, so that the shoulder is not visible). The girls come up and try to guess their “betrothed-mummers”.

Test three.

Girls apply more lipstick, go to the mirror and leave bright imprints on it. Next, the boys approach the mirror and try to figure out the girls’ kisses.

There can be an endless number of options. You can use blankets and leave only your eyes open. In this case, the players cover themselves behind a sheet up to eye level, and cover their heads up to the eyes with a second blanket.

You can even leave only your ears open in the same way. This competition is especially good when performed by young men. You can stick your tongue out at everyone and calm down.


All participants must go to the middle of the room. Everyone must be given a scarf or towel to blindfold. The players line up in one large circle, and the leader moves from one person to another and speaks in their ear which animal will need to be portrayed.

Animal species are selected in such a way that they can form herds or flocks and at the same time make one characteristic sound. For example, buffalos

Mooing ducks

Quack, snakes

Boars are hissing

Dingo dogs grunt

Bark, cuckoos

Mice cuckoo

Squeak, tigers

Quest for players: You need to walk around the room blindfolded and look for your “blood brothers.” At the same time, do not forget to make identification sounds yourself. The winners are those “animals” who are the first to gather into a single group.

"Drop, river, ocean"

An energetic game that requires significant living space and a large number of players. The action is accompanied by a dynamic background music.

All participants get up from their seats and are distributed around the playing area. Every player

It's a drop. It's easy to imagine a window after the rain. Large drops on transparent glass. The leader gives the command: “Unite in twos.” All players must instantly find a partner and hold hands.

Without allowing the players to come to their senses, the leader commands: “Unite in threes.” And now the three players are moving to the music, holding hands and not forgetting to dance. The leader’s commands follow one after another: “Four people, five, six.” "Everyone in a common circle"

The leader commands, and all players form a large round dance.


Participants stand in one large circle. The presenter comes to the middle, deciding to try his luck. He closes his eyes and extends his hand in front of him. The rest of the participants begin to circle around him and at the same time say:



Aramia Busia

"Show me"

With the last words, the spinning stops (according to the conditions, it is not the leader who is spinning, but the others), the leader continues to stand with his eyes closed. Everyone else looks to see who his hand is pointing at. The player in the circle where the “arrow” was chosen also goes to the center and stands back to back with the leader. All participants say together: “And one, and two, and three...”

After these words, two people standing with their backs to each other in the center of the circle should turn their heads to the right or left shoulder and thus look at each other. If both turn their heads to the same shoulder, it means this is a fateful meeting and they should kiss. If the girl turns her head to one shoulder, and the boy to the other, it means, as they say, “not fate,” and they only hug as friends.

After these actions, the former leader stands in a circle, and the new player begins to test his fate.

The game "City" is designed for a fairly large number of people. Each one represents a character. For example, a doctor, a seller, a traffic police inspector.

However, everyone around him knows about his position, except himself.

This effect is achieved as follows. All characters have pieces of paper attached to their backs indicating their roles: “doctor”, “seller”, “traffic policeman”. Those around them see the person’s role, but the character himself remains in the dark throughout the game.

Having decided on the responsibilities of each resident, the city begins to function. People move around the “city” (that is, the game area). They approach each other, greet each other and treat the person according to his role indicated on the back. If there is a “doctor” in front of you, then you ask him to treat you, prescribe medications or perform an operation. If there is a “seller” in front of you, then you are trying to buy something from him and bargain.

If in front of you is a “traffic police inspector,” then act according to the situation and very respectfully, otherwise you will be left without a car.

The point of the game is that the characters must guess who they are based on your actions. Looking at the reaction of others, a city resident needs to understand what role he plays. Characters can ask questions about themselves, but only those that can be answered with a “yes” or “no.”

For example, a person asks the question: “Am I a person?” The answer is: “No.” Thus, the player begins to guess that he is playing the role of a “pet dog”.

Those around you should try to react to the characters as expressively and vividly as possible. If there is a “maniac” in front of you, beg him for mercy so that the player really has a suspicion that he is about to do something bad to you. However, stay within the bounds of reason, otherwise the maniac will have victims.

Approximate list of city residents: doctor, salesman, traffic police inspector, maniac, teacher, driver, homeless person, lawyer, foreigner, gypsy, pet, plant, etc.

It is better to play the game for a limited time, for example 20-30 minutes. The winners are those participants who are able to understand city life and determine what role was destined for them by “fate” (that is, the leader).

"Chief Ram"

To play the game, everyone needs to line up in a large circle. One person from the very beginning takes on the functions of the leader, he also becomes the main instigator of the “trouble” and decides to his own taste who will become the “sacrificial ram”.

The leader calls one person from the circle (the future “victim”), takes him to another room and asks him to wait there. Then the leader returns to the circle and explains to the rest of the conspirators what is about to happen.

First, the “victim” will be invited. This player is told that the people around are depicting a herd of rams and among them there is a main ram. We need to determine who the main sheep is. To do this, you need to ask the question: “Who is the main sheep?” Everyone in the circle will start shouting: “Me!” The one who is chosen as the “main ram” will allegedly shout the loudest.

It is he who needs to be identified among all the others.

So this is the "victim" version. In fact, when the “victim” asks his question: “Who is the main sheep?”

You will all scream the same way, since you did not even think about choosing any “ram”. Let the “victim” point to anyone, you agree the third time and pretend that the person guessed right. The player leaves the circle and goes to another room, and the “victim” takes his place.

The presenter says that it is necessary to choose a new “ram”, and offers this role to his “victim”. He argues that the person himself has seen how to shout and will play the role of “leader” better than anyone else. The naive “victim” agrees to take on this “honorable” mission, and the presenter calls the player from another room.

The presenter reminds this player of the rules of the game so that the “victim” does not guess about the trick. And then this is what happens. The question is: “Who is the main sheep?” Everyone screams, the victim tries harder than anyone else, but the “dummy” player pretends that he cannot guess who is the “main ram” and asks to shout louder. The second time the question "Who is the main sheep?"

Everyone takes in more air into their lungs and... remains silent. And in the middle of the room there is a wild cry of your “sacrificial ram”: “I-I-I-I!”

"Remember all"

So, players in pairs turn their backs to each other, tune in to their partner and try to imagine him as clearly as possible. Now you can start the game. The presenter announces that now you will have to remember the appearance of the person standing behind you.

After these words, no glances at the partner are allowed.

First task:

remember your partner's name. (Absolutely all participants perform the task in turn.)

Second task:

remember what color your partner’s eyes are.

Third task:

answer how long the partner’s trousers are (the question should sound exactly like this, even if the girl in the pair is wearing a skirt).

Next task:

say what kind of shoes your partner is wearing.

More: What is your partner wearing around his neck? Then: on which hand is the watch? You can ask about rings, the color of lipstick (you need to name it exactly, with all shades), hairstyle, earrings and everything that people who are having a good time together can pay attention to.

It is best to play with a large group at a long table. You can even combine this game with the process of eating. It doesn’t suppress your appetite, but it helps eliminate the problem of “small talk.”

The game doesn't require talking, it only requires your glances.

The rules of the game are as follows. Everyone sits at the table so that everyone can see the eyes of all the other players. Each of you is a "killer". In order to shoot your victim, you just need to look him in the eyes and wink twice. The “killed” person stops playing and informs the other players about this with a pre-arranged signal

He places his left hand on the table, palm down.

Don't think that girls will necessarily succeed at this game. It is not known who else has more practice in winking. There are several ways to “get into the top ten”. Firstly, it is advisable to take the victim by surprise by pretending before shooting that you are paying attention to a completely different object.

Secondly, act quickly and decisively. And finally, shoot beautifully: “on the nose, on the corner, on the object.”


Team game. The number of people in a team can be arbitrary, ranging from ten to one. The main thing is that not all players “have hooked hands.” The game requires tenacious and gripping fingers.

Well, and, of course, it wouldn’t hurt to have a little artistic ability, at least at the level of the ability to distinguish one color from another.

As a mosaic, it is proposed to use postcards or calendars, cut into triangles, squares, rectangles and other geometric shapes, the idea of ​​which is still preserved in your memory from school. It is not necessary to shred the cards into small crumbs; try to give the individual parts such a size that you can assemble the mosaic with your hands and not with tweezers.

The game becomes exciting not so much because of the prize, although it certainly fuels the players’ interest in winning. The beauty of it is that the players are trying to put the picture together all at the same time, and they are getting in the way of their own elbows. Whoever can use his elbows more dexterously wins.

You can significantly complicate the task by mixing parts of postcards prepared for different teams. If desired, an additional task is introduced: you need to read the word previously written by the presenter on the back of the postcard.

Participants do not have to be located in close proximity to each other, line up in one common circle, or sit at a table. It is enough to take your places in such a way as to keep all other players in sight.

One person starts the game. Its task is simple, but no less significant. It is necessary to calmly and clearly pronounce one syllable out loud; "Ha".

The second participant will have to say the next two syllables loudly and clearly: "Ha ha." The third participant supports the previous two and continues the noble work they started. His oratory includes three syllables: "Ha-ha-ha." The speech of the next participant expands significantly, and it already contains four syllables: “Ha-ha-ha-ha.”

All this should be pronounced with appropriate pathos, in accordance with the seriousness of the undertaking.

The game is considered disrupted, and the culprits must be punished as soon as any of those present allow themselves, instead of the noble “ha-ha-ha,” to slide into a banal “hee-hee-hee,” that is, laugh!


It is best to conduct the game in a company where people know each other well, and where a certain opinion has already been formed about everyone. The game is played as follows. All participants gather together. A presenter is selected.

He silently makes a wish for one person present. The rest's task

Find out who the presenter chose. All participants in the game take turns asking the host questions about associations. The presenter thinks for a moment and pronounces his association.

Participants in the game listen carefully to the answers and try to put all the associations into a single image, this allows them to guess the intended personality. Whoever is the first to correctly identify the selected person wins and gets the right to become the leader in the next game.

The word “association” refers to the presenter’s impression of a given person, his personal feelings, some image that resembles a hidden person.

An example of questions and answers to associations could be the following dialogue:

What vegetable or fruit is this person associated with?

With ripe tangerine.

What type of shoes is this person associated with?

With hussar boots with spurs.

What color is this person associated with?

With orange.

What type or brand of car is this person associated with?

With a bus.

What animal is this person associated with?

With an elephant.

What kind of music is this person associated with?

With Russian "pop".

What mood is this person associated with?


After such answers, you understand that we are talking about someone perky, with a good-natured character and a broad soul. You look around in bewilderment: “Who could it be?” And then suddenly someone’s voice is heard calling your name. To your surprise, the presenter says, “This is the correct answer!”

"Guess the cocktail"

The competition is good for those who like to drink or, conversely, want to quit this addiction forever. All participants are divided into pairs, one person in the pair is blindfolded with a scarf or towel.

The second person from each couple picks up a glass or glass and heads to the table. In a glass you need to prepare a cocktail from everything that is available to the participants: starting with ready-made drinks, fruit juice and ending... The main thing here is to stop in time. Remember, the cocktail must be suitable for internal consumption!!!

A participant in the competition, blindfolded, tastes the prepared mixture and tries to guess its components. The couple that guesses absolutely all the components receives a super prize.

The competition will require several pairs of boots. It is advisable that the shoes be large and have strong, long laces. The competition is held in pairs, preferably the classic “boy-girl” option.

Participants sit on chairs in pairs. The shoe is put on the foot by only one person in the pair, and the laces are pulled out. Further, to make the experience even more acute, it would be nice to imagine that these people

Two polar explorers making their way through snowstorms and snowdrifts to their station. They have come a long way, and now one of them can no longer go further. On the road, their shoes became worn out and their laces frayed. There is only one lace left in stock, the one that can save their lives.

Having overcome the cold, you need to lace up your boot with numb fingers and, taking your weakened partner onto yourself, carry him to his home (the place indicated by the leader). The main difficulty is that the polar explorers' hands are frozen from the cold, so much so that everyone can only act with one, and not two.

For plausibility, each player leaves one free hand and hides the other behind his back. The task is to work together using one hand “from one person” to thread the lace into the shoe, tighten it, tie a bow and, taking your pair in your arms, carry it to a certain place.

You can simplify the task and not drag your partner, but limit yourself to a laced boot.

"Balloon Dance"

All participants stand in pairs. For each couple you need to prepare a large balloon. The task is this: participants need to hold the ball by holding it between their foreheads.

The music turns on and the couples start dancing, trying not to let go of the balloon.

It’s not such a simple matter to move in concert. And the ball, as if out of spite, is still trying to jump out. The winner is the couple that can dance the longest without losing the ball.

"The Last Dance"

This competition is dedicated to everyone who loves to dance “until they lose their pulse”, who forgets about everything in the world when they hear the sounds of music. Remember the musicians on the ship from the movie "Titanic". You are invited to feel the acuteness of the experiences of two lovers who find themselves on the brink of death.

The romantic story is beautiful and tragic. After the sinking of the Titanic, he and she find themselves floating in the ocean on a huge ice floe. Young people have no illusions; they are aware that they are living out their last moments.

A terrible end is inevitable.

Those wishing to take part in the “Last Dance” are divided into couples. A newspaper is spread on the floor and the music is turned on. The young people begin their dance. The music may be fun and fast at first. Two people dance on the newspaper without moving a single step. Then the ice floe melts, the newspaper is folded in half.

The music is changing too. A little time passes, and the water continues to shrink the ice floe. The newspaper is folded again. Music changes its character.

The winner is the couple that can stay together on the smallest piece of newspaper while continuing to dance.

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"Get the apple"

The competition is held on the principle of "hanging pear"

You can't eat" (it doesn't matter that we have apples, the essence does not change). First, find a long rope. Stretch the obtained rope across the entire room. You will have to persuade two guests to take on the hard work of holding it at shoulder level. Tie it to Thin threads on a rope. The number of threads should correspond to the number of players. Attach apples to the ends of the threads.

Before the competition begins, tug on each apple and make sure it is securely tied.

Everything is ready, and now you can invite lovers of “forbidden fruits”. Any forbidden thing is attractive because you can’t just get it. Task: eat an apple without touching it with your hands. At the same time, the apples are tied on strings, and the hands

Clutched behind the back.

Another version of this competition can be called a “wet deal”, and it is more suitable for the male half. Why? It's simple.

Before the start of the competition, apples are placed in a bowl of water, and you need to take them out and bite them without using your hands. As you understand, girls are not made for “wet things”, because “the mascara on their eyes is not dry.”

"Breathe Deeper"

To conduct the competition, the presenter needs to prepare many small pieces of cotton wool and distribute them one by one to each participant. At the command “Fly, fly, petal,” all participants simultaneously throw up pieces of cotton wool and begin to blow on them with all their might, trying to prevent them from falling to the ground. The player who keeps his “petal” in the air longer wins.

"Become a Star"

The competition requires a fairly large number of participants, at least 16 people. There are seven steps to go through before you reach the heights.

The ascent begins from the swamp itself. All participants begin to imitate frogs, begin to jump and croak. Next, everyone takes someone as a partner.

Only one of each pair must advance to the next stage, so a mini-tournament “Rock-Paper-Scissors” is held within the pairs (see description below).

Whoever loses leaves the competition, and whoever wins moves on to the next stage and begins to moo, imitating a sacred cow. Again, the Rock-Paper-Scissors tournament is played in pairs.

The one who passes to the third stage begins to meow like an elegant cat.

Another draw, and in the fourth stage everyone is buzzing like elite Mercedes cars.

After the final drawing, the winner is finally determined. He personifies the ultimate dream of stars, the beautiful Marilyn Monroe with her stellar song “Iwannabelovedbyyou.,.”. Dreams Come True.

High goals continue to attract people, and people rush forward again and again, in search of a distant star.

Rules for intermediate drawings "Rock-paper-scissors". Two people stand opposite each other, with one hand extended forward, clenched into a fist. Saying the words: "Rock-paper-scissors"

Everyone makes one of three possible signs with their hand. Straightens the palm

This is "paper", straightens two fingers

This is a "scissors" or leaves the hand in a fist

This is "stone".

The one who is stronger wins. Paper is stronger than stone. Rock is stronger than scissors. Scissors are stronger than paper.

gastroguru 2017