Happy birthday to the lioness. Leo - Birthday. Happy Birthday greetings to Leo, the zodiac sign

Leo is a sunny, warm sign. Not everyone born under this sign is a king, but everyone has royal ambitions and aspirations. Leos are fiery, passionate natures, they refuse to be on the sidelines, and consider themselves the center of the universe. They love to lead, to lead, to give success and good luck. They can be generous to the point of madness, almost devoid of any sense of danger. Leos are confident in themselves and in the strength that truth gives. They can't stand the dark. Their main enemy is pride, unjustified narcissism. A Leo can turn out to be a painful, arrogant person, burdened with unfulfilled ambitions. The Napoleon complex sometimes drives lions to madness. Leo women love to be noticeable, they love to show themselves and their strengths in every possible way. To do this, sometimes they use bright, but tasteless things. Men love to dress up, comb their hair, and look good in formal suits. They do not like subordinate roles at work; they strive to be responsible, managerial employees. They are good at intellectual work, work in art, and business.

To a woman

You are a Leo woman, you are dressed with taste,
Smart, witty, always graceful.
You are ambitious, supportive of everyone,
You will never betray your family for anything, ever.

We wish you, as a Lioness woman,
We have only successes and only victories.
And may you be lucky in all your endeavors,
And may your happiness last for many years.

Suddenly it’s not worth contradicting the lions,
He is the master, everyone knows.
Your own king, your own boss,
Sometimes he doesn’t notice others
In all its greatness
Cat tenderness does not go away,
He values ​​family, loves home,
And he finds faithful companions.
He is wise, honest, proud,
Cunning and very attractive,
In actions, in life he is fair,
Doesn't betray and doesn't forgive.

I congratulate the ambitious and delightful Leo according to the horoscope. I wish you to always be the center of attention, as it should be for Leos, to achieve your goals and receive full pleasure from the work done, to be a happy, cheerful, interesting, fair and energetic person.

Leo is a sunny and warm sign,
He is the king of beasts, and so it is!
Lions sometimes have a difficult task -
Be a leader, catch your luck.

We wish the lion to be beautiful and bright,
Receive gifts more often in life,
Let pride not get in the way
Go through life as a winner!

Leo is always extravagant
Sometimes too passionate
He rushes straight to the goal,
Keeps everything going!

You will help if necessary
And you don't ask for a reward.
Unselfish Leo is a good-natured man,
Zodiac super sign!

Both in hot weather and in bad weather
May life's troubles
They won't break you, but they will help you
Find your way!

Fate is so difficult
Our beasts have a king.
It's better to please him
So that he can't growl at you.

He is constant and stable,
Always in a leadership style.
The element of Leo is extravagance,
The desire to rule over everyone!

Faithful and fair friend
Loyal, cheerful.
Creative, original,
And he is always the center of attention...

Courageous, kind, generous,
The “horse” in life is entertainment.
Fiery and strong charisma,
And he does not languish in despondency.

You make friends with a lion,
And appreciate all these features!

Nobility, authority and straightforwardness,
All this is characteristic of great kings,
You are a Leo, you are a king, and the qualities are clear,
Luck follows on your heels.

And on such a special day I wish,
I wish you success and peace of mind,
Health, happiness and comfort,
And may your dreams come true.

I also wish you peace of mind,
After all, it’s not easy without him,
Throw away all your problems,
Let nothing scare you!

It’s not easy for Leo to choose the right wishes,
I would like to say special words to Leo today.
May you always remain wise and calm,
May all the best come - you deserve it.

Turn your difficult, proud disposition into strength,
Carefully preserve everything that is good in you.
One step forward, one more, and without retreating,
We sincerely wish you to be with a horse and on a horse!

To all those born in the sign of Leo
Don't take pride,
The document of fate seals
Royal seal.

I wish you passionate love
To make your head spin,
So that the naughty luck
Surrounded Leo in life.

So that the character becomes softer,
So that pride goes away,
On this day I wish you happiness
And heartfelt warmth.

I want to congratulate you on the holiday,
Royal and bright Leo.
Your strength is amazing
And terrible anger frightens.

I want to be a ruler
I am always my destiny,
Always bask in luxury.
Let your dreams come true.

You, the rightful King of beasts
Among all acquaintances and friends!
Not at all, you are a “Leo” according to your horoscope,
The miner cannot overtake you,
Tanker, opera, miner
And even the best actor!

You are naturally majestic
Everywhere, you have your own regulations,
Order in the house and comfort,
Give advice “there” and “here”.
More worthy of your sign -
There is no one better in the world!

Congratulations: 27 in verse, 2 in prose.

The sign of Leo is ruled by the planet Sun, which gives it a bright personality, which is why it attracts those around them, for whom it is a source of vital energy. As a rule, this is a vain person who loves to be the center of attention. Considering the main characteristics of this person, it should be borne in mind that Leo is a zodiac sign that belongs to the fire element. That is why he has a hot temperament, tenacity and a certain aggression.

The Leo sign belongs to the element of Fire, but unlike the Fire of Aries, the Fire of Leo is akin to hot sunlight, giving life and energy to everything that exists. The Sun is the king of our planetary system, its center, the patron of all life on Earth, and Leos are the favorites and authorized representatives of the Sun among us. Therefore, the main character trait of those born under the sign of Leo can be called royalty. Leo has an innate confidence in his supremacy and infallibility. He is the center of the world. ruler and object of universal admiration. He has no doubt at all about his right to the “lion’s share.” But we must pay tribute to Leos - they often have very attractive qualities: nobility, courage, honesty and generosity. Leo willingly shares his “lion's share” with his “subjects” - friends and relatives, if they treat him with enough respect. He usually does not save for a rainy day, because he is confident that his treasury will always be full.

Despite their royal manners, Leos are extremely loyal friends, constant in their affections and feelings. The lion will defend his friend with his chest and will tear to pieces anyone who tries to offend his ward. Leo is easily offended by hurting his pride; sometimes he can even look a little funny and even stupid in his ineradicable self-confidence and sense of superiority. But these people are easily forgiven for their shortcomings, since they, like the real Sun, are able to charge those around them with their energy, and the more friends and admirers there are around them, the more generously they give their inexhaustible warmth. It very rarely happens that harsh life circumstances manage to break Leo, but the state of depression usually does not last long, Leo quickly comes to his senses and, gradually flaring up again, a small sun begins to shine among people.

Leo born in July or August is a person who needs constant admiration and does not know how to put up with any manifestation of criticism of his words or actions. In general, he tries not to have anything to do with people who are not ready to always approve of his actions in everything. This is a self-confident person with enviable hard work and the ability to overcome any life obstacles.

Leo is the sign of your birthday, it reflects your essence, your soul, your inner core, sometimes hidden from others. Birthdays are fun, but they can also be quite informative. Astrologically, each day represents a set of planetary influences that contribute to the creation of a unique personality. We hope that your Leo birthday horoscope will help you understand yourself better. Look at your date of birth to learn about your personality.

Meaning of the name Leo: "lion" (Greek)

Since childhood, Leo has been a calm, balanced and even somewhat slow boy. It takes a long time to make decisions. He communicates well and friendly with children his age. But if he was offended, he will definitely fight back. Leo is purposeful. He not only achieves his goals, but also helps others achieve theirs. If he made a promise, he will definitely fulfill it. He will use any means necessary to prove that he is a master of his word.

Leo himself is a very kind person. He will never intentionally do harm. He is a good friend, you can have a heart-to-heart conversation with him, he will listen and the information will never go beyond the scope of your conversation. You can trust him with secrets. He experiences other people's grievances as if they were his own.

At a young age, he can’t decide what kind of girl he needs. Therefore, he changes them often. He chooses his wife not according to external data, but according to internal data. The most important thing for him is that his wife is faithful and as kind as he is. But besides these qualities, intimate relationships with his wife are also important for Leo.

Other forms of the name Leo: Leo, Leva, Lenya, Lyovka, Levushka.

Name days: January 12, February 2, March 3, March 5, March 14, May 31, July 14, August 31, September 24, October 24, November 25, December 20

Our brave lion was born!
Birthday is an important holiday,
Both for Leo and for us -
This is the lion's finest hour!

We will certainly congratulate you!
Leo is like the center of the universe for us!
There is such a reserve of power in it!
And his soul is a diamond:

And pure - to admiration,
And strong - to the point of amazement!
Leo always without further ado
Ready to help friends!

Energetic, honest, loyal
And diligent in his deeds.
He, as a friend, is irreplaceable.
Everyone is safe with him!

And today, on my birthday,
Let him hear revelations:
Not invented flattery,
And such as he is!

Wonderful Leo, always welcome!
May be strange for some
Generous help to others -
We like him this way!

zodiac decoration,
More noble - there is no sign in it!
Congratulations on Lion's Day,
So proud of our Leo!

Known to be found near Leo
No wonder the royal habits
Since his essence is not heels, -
His "big" head.

And, as the rumor roars about it,
Be, Leo, truly worthy of the “throne”,
So that it can be seen - not a crow,
That Leo is quite similar to a lion!

And, knowing all my rights,
Live luxuriously and beautifully,
So as not to have a headache,
So that the mane does not thin out!

Words of love and friendship flow
From now on there are many bright days:

There is nothing brighter, louder and dearer!

And the eyes, claws and mane -
Who saw the big beauty?!

We wish you to remain young,
Beloved, affectionate to everyone,
And you have to disguise yourself -
Mascara, perfume and cream will help!

Words of love and friendship flow
From now on there are many bright days:
Under the sign of Leo the Lioness appeared -
There is nothing brighter, louder and dearer!

Strong, slim, smart, playful,
Here is the leader in the house and in the forest!..
And the eyes, claws and mane -
Who saw the big beauty?!

We wish you to remain young,
Beloved, affectionate to everyone,
And you have to disguise yourself -
Mascara, perfume and cream will help!

It is impossible not to fall in love with you.
As soon as I look, my soul is on fire.
After all, according to your horoscope you are a Lioness -
This says something!

Although your character is domineering,
I don’t need another fate.
I love your passionate temperament,
Dangerous, stormy and explosive.

Leo is always extravagant
Sometimes too passionate
He rushes straight to the goal,
Keeps everything going!

You will help if necessary
And you don't ask for a reward
You are a selfless good-natured man,
Leo is a great zodiac!

And in the heat and bad weather,
Let everyday adversity
They won't break you, but they will help you,
Find your way!

Women born under the sign of Leo always know their worth and love to flaunt themselves. They are sure that they deserve to be stars so that everyone will talk about them. Can you imagine how difficult it is to choose a congratulation for such a woman? It won't be that easy to please her. But our site will help you. On this information resource we have collected a huge number of congratulatory texts that you can choose to congratulate specifically the Leo woman. None of our congratulatory texts are repeated - each of them is unique. In addition, you will not find such texts on any site with congratulations, so feel free to go to our resource and choose congratulations. The Leo woman will appreciate your admiration for her.

Words of love and friendship flow
From now on there are many bright days:
Under the sign of Leo the Lioness appeared -
There is nothing brighter, louder and dearer!
Strong, slim, smart, playful,
Here is the leader in the house and in the forest!..
And the eyes, claws and mane -
Who saw the big beauty?!
We wish you to remain young,
Beloved, affectionate to everyone,
And you have to disguise yourself -
Mascara, perfume and cream will help!!!

You were born under the sign of Leo -
Hence the royal manners.
You can't stand lies and boasting
You always want to be first in everything.
You know how to give wise advice,
You always strive for the ideal.
I am ready to give an answer to everything.
For many, it has become a standard!
I am very glad to congratulate you.
It's a pleasure to be around you!

Pussy Lady! You are beautiful,
Witty and daring.
For someone you are dangerous,
We understand and are close.
Your sarcasm and mind are clear
Saves us from boredom!

You are adorable, fidget!
It's a fun conversation with you,
You dance and sing
You give smiles to everyone.
The eyes sparkle mischievously,
They want to conquer the whole world.
Let him submit to you,
It’s not for nothing that your sign is Leo!

Proud... not greedy... unapproachable...
Worthy of her mission.
The Lioness Queen is inaccessible.
How inaccessible the King of Beasts is.
Not to lions! - with accessibility to become related.
Leos are not suited to flux of vices.
I want to be proud...
Dignity is an undeniable plus.
An indisputable plus when you greet me,
Sweetheart, full of sedateness,
Unrequited to lascivious glances...
And seductively smart.
For me, that woman is a queen, -
Having overcome all temptations,
She was able to be reborn herself,
Elevating a man to king.
Proud! Beautiful! Obsessed! -
Reigning in your destiny!
The Lioness Queen is my favorite,
Dream! Worthy of kings.

Oh, woman under the sign of Leo,
You are the head of all men.
Happy Birthday to you
Our team has assembled.
We want to wish you again and again
Success, wealth and love,
A car, a dacha, a new house,
And also happiness in it later.

Lioness is the queen of the ball,
Where did her foot go?
Flowers bloom instantly.
And today the birthday girl is you!
You are a queen in life
You meet people boldly
You judge by their actions,
You don’t spare cool words.
After all, you can do everything today,
You rule everywhere immutably,
And all the subjects are happy,
They don’t need another fate!
On this day we congratulate
We wish you tenderness,
Fulfillment of all desires,
Strong feelings, love, dates!

Every lady is a little
In some ways - a cat.
Playful, frivolous,
Sometimes he caresses, sometimes he scolds
Lady Lioness
And as you stroke the fur -
So you'll be fine!
To the Lioness lady you need affection,
But with caution!
If the gift is precious -
It's appreciated!
Well - a kind word -
Need it again!
Happy birthday, girl -
Lady Lioness!

Leo is the Russian version of the ancient Greek name “Leont”, which means “lion”. Distinguished by nobility, honesty, wisdom. Having visited his house, being invited to his birthday, you will see his rich collection of books, which charges him with colossal energy, and the older the book, the more noticeable the charge.

As a rule, Leo has good health, but he needs to take care of his nervous system and heart. Smart and charming, not without lordliness and impressiveness. He does not blindly obey the will of his parents or his heredity; he finds good in everything. It is impossible to break it. Leo likes to walk on the very edge, attracting extreme situations.

Leo's perseverance, courage and determination help him achieve his plans. He always keeps his word, so they are happy to make business contacts with him. He has a high intellect, knows his own worth, will never beg for a rank, chase a high position, adapt and humiliate himself. He is characterized by ambition, good nature, and energy. Leos are especially kind to the sick and elderly, which is why they often become doctors. Sometimes he is irritable and suspicious, which can cause close people to suffer.

In his youth, an amorous Leo is drawn to various adventures with the fair sex, but having met his chosen one, he lives with her in perfect harmony. As a rule, he has at least 2 children, as smart and quick-witted as their father. He loves to play outdoor games with them. In a wife, Leo values ​​kindness, gentleness of character, and loyalty.

On Leo’s anniversary, along with your best congratulations, give him an emerald or at least a tiny diamond, which will take all adversity away from him, and do not miss the moment to affectionately call him Leva, Lenya, Leka, Leo - he will appreciate it.

Video congratulations on the anniversary of Leo

Your anniversary is in full swing,
The ringing of wine glasses delights the ears.
You are on the rise, Leo, huge,
You bring fun into this sound.

Among the guests are friends, relatives,
Love and joy burn in them.
Let our memory be of the days of yore,
Carefully preserves throughout life.

I wish you a happy journey,
Beautiful according to great destiny.
I remember all our youth,
How we all reached out to you.

You keep friendship in your heart,
And be faithful to her to the end.
With a smile you conquer your world,
With the enthusiasm of an eternal youth.

Leo, I give you flowers,
And a big gift.
On your anniversary, today you,
Cheerful, happy, hot.

A toast of course to you,
I'll say beautiful.
To always live lovingly,
Was fate happy.

Let joy beat in your chest,
A cheerful spring.
Big life ahead
Happy new adventure.

So that my soul does not grow old,
Blooming in the spring garden.
And I always looked forward
With your bright gaze.

Happy Birthday to You,
I will always congratulate you.
You and I, Leo, are friends,
I'm placing my gift.

It's just a talisman
"Emerald" is wonderful.
He will not allow deception
Any day yours is clear.

You live and prosper
Celebrate your success.
Fly above problems
Cheerfully, with laughter.

May the roads and paths
Everyone will become equal.
So that I can go to happiness,
Hopes will not be deceived.

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You gathered us at the table,
Celebrate your anniversary.
With joy and triumph,
I want to congratulate you.

Happy new date Leo to you,
Happiness and bloom.
Let the dawn come to the house,
Only with the mood.

Only good luck in a great destiny,
I wish you stormy ones.
So that success comes to you,
And in affairs of love.

The strength was there, as always,
In complete order.
Don't be sad for the years
When counting modestly.

gastroguru 2017