Congratulations to your grown son. Happy birthday poems to an adult son from mom Happy birthday greetings to an adult eldest son

Son, happy birthday, dear!
Let fate be smooth, without potholes.
I will support any path you take in life.
If only you like it and are comfortable!

In matters of success, the joys of life,
I wish you happiness and good luck.
Reliable, sociable comrades
May only the best await you ahead!

My dear son, I wish
You don't know any problems in life,
Strive, always prospering,
Find out all the best things in life.

Health and happiness, of course,
Also - never get sick,
And remember your parents forever,
And want to become the strongest!

We love you for no special reason
We are proud of you, our adult son,
You are a strong support for the whole family,
We have raised a worthy replacement.

May your birthday bring you good luck,
And a wonderful mood to boot,
Always be confident in yourself
May everything be great in your destiny.

We wish you happiness,
So that there is no war in the family,
Let them cherish you
So that you are always happy and glad,

Let your dreams come true,
So that you are always happy,
We wish you good luck in life
In solving any problems!

My son celebrates the best birthday in the world,
Congratulations to everyone today, and he accepts gifts!
May heaven, my son, always protect you,
May fate reward you with a generous hand!

Conquered career heights so that without difficulty,
Never knew sorrows and misfortunes!
May the smile of happiness on your face always shine,
Lots of interesting things to happen on this holiday!

My dear son, happy birthday
I congratulate you.
Let him be next to you
Angel that protects you.
May life be all happy,
My wife always makes me happy.
Let him protect you
Mother's hand.
May your wishes come true.
I love you, son.
Congratulations on your birthday
I send it to you with love.

You have become an adult, matured,
Created my own style
He became handsome, young man,
You are beautiful, you are a man!
I'm proud of you, no doubt
I'm happy with your life.
Be as aspiring
And always - unsurpassed!
Happy birthday, dear son,
Happy Birthday honey,
I only wish you happiness in life,
And once again, congratulations!

There is stubble on your cheeks,
And the voice became rougher.
You are not a boy, but a man!
How quickly you grew up.
Happy birthday, son!
Let there be success in business,
Let the family island
Maintains serenity.
So that you don't need anything
And he was generous with everyone,
Sincerely to make you smile
And dreams came true!

I want to wish, son,
Find your way
So that I can fulfill all my dreams,
And there was a lot of happiness in life,
Good health, success
And faithful, devoted friends
More joy and laughter,
Moments of bright, clear days!

Even though you have grown up a long time ago,
I'll pour some wine into a glass.
To drink to you
And this is just loving!
For your home and family,
I'm drinking to you today!
Happy birthday,
And I'll send you luck.
May luck smile
And the fun begins.
Let inspiration come
And luck comes with it.

You, son, are quite an adult,
You have become independent!
And recently I was a boy,
He ran and played nearby!
We want to congratulate dad
Happy Birthday to You!
Remember, we love you very much!
We are always waiting for you son!

Mom loves you very much -
You are a very good son!
Happy Birthday wishes
You mom and the whole world!
Good luck, happiness and luck
For all your long years!
Joy and super mood,
You have a cool feast today!

A new page of life
Are you ready to open today?
I wish with love
You have to live your whole life.
I wish you sadness
Didn't know about you
To meet joy
You in your destiny,
So that the sky is clear,
Like all your dreams.
And your gaze was radiant,
To make you smile.

I really want you to be healthy,
So that in a strong and gentle world
You've never known troubled ones
Ominous atomic winds.
So that I can dream peacefully,
Funny smacking lips
And there were warm winds
The days of your spring are warmed.

Son, beloved... It's very simple:
You will soon become strong and big,
But I would like that along with growth
Kindness of soul would come to you.
Walk with her through life together in step
And don’t feel sorry for her for people.
I don't need much from you
But your Motherland needs a lot.

I have two good sons.
Two hopes
Two living lights.
Time rushes along the great highway.

I have two youths left,
Life burns unquenchably within me.
I have two eternities -
Two sons.

You were so little
And now it’s really big...
Are you going to dance now?
Do you breakdance?
Do you like to go out with friends?
On the Internet in the evenings...
But in my soul, believe me,
You are a child now!
You are my beloved son,
You are my dear angel!
I wish you love -
Happy birthday!

Mother's eyes are always watching us,
Full of love, tenderness and affection,
When mom is nearby, there is spring in the soul,
And life is like a fairy tale.
On my son's birthday,
Congratulations for mom,
We wish you joy, good luck, strength,
And always in a great mood.

You raised a wonderful son,
You have enough endurance, patience and strength,
Now you are reaping a good harvest,
Happy birthday to your adult son.
For you, mom, words of gratitude,
To always be in a great mood,
So that your health does not let you down,
So that there is plenty of happiness in the house

Your adult son is celebrating his birthday,
Please accept, mother, sincere congratulations,
So that you have enough strength for everything,
So that my heart ache less.
So that the dream will certainly come true,
So that everything in fate is excellent,
So that there is never room for sadness in the house,
So that joy settles forever.

Congratulations on the birth of your dear son. Darling, today is your holiday and I wish you to celebrate it well. May life send you successful opportunities to realize your desires, excellent prospects for the embodiment of creative ideas. Let every day give you a new opportunity, and don’t miss it. ©

Happy birthday, beloved son. You are quite an adult and you already have your own children. But a mother's heart will always love you. I wish you care, love and warmth. May there always be prosperity, comfort, coziness and mutual respect in your home. May you forever be young at heart. ©

Congratulations to my dear son,
Wonderful and dear
Happy birthday today
And I wish everyone happiness.

Life will be beautiful and long,
And let no wolves meet you,
Always be an optimist yourself
Don't work as a taxi driver.

Achieve higher goals
Rejoice, don't be sad
And try to go forward,
Your life will be like heaven. ©

Congratulations to my beloved son
Happy birthday to this world
And I wish you a bright life,
To joyfully walk around the world,

So that the sun shines from the sky,
So that you always smile,
To be warmed by smiles,
Don't be afraid of anything.

I wish you good luck and happiness,
Lots of joy, peace, goodness,
May you be happy every hour
From the very night until the morning. ©

I wish at this hour,
To unite us
Friendship and love
And a sea of ​​kind words,
To mother's son
I was able to help others! ©

Mom wishes you
Dear son,
May you be the kindest,
To drive away peace,
I wish you joy
And don't do nasty things! ©

On your bright birthday, I wish you, my dear son, that everything will work out easily and naturally for you. I wish that everything in your life is decided simply, that you give people your wise advice. May your birthday, son, bring personal happiness, success and luck, joy and the most important things in this world into your cozy home. Mom wishes that your good deeds will be rewarded on time! ©

I wish you, little son, on your birthday, that you frolic happily in the park, that you learn to fly high on the swings. Let everything be just for you - sweet ice cream on a hot day, fizzy lemonade, colorful balloons and, of course, the hugs of your beloved mom. I wish you to sing cheerful songs loudly and never lose heart. I wish to see rainbows in puddles, baby! ©

I wish at night,
Dear son,
So that you can be yourself
Mom was dear,

For a hundred years
Didn't forget me
To get away from troubles,
To soar in the clouds,

So that every day
You appreciated it madly
So that the shadow of evil disappears,
To become the smartest! ©

Happy birth, my son,
May you be loved every day,
Let the sun shine for you
And let there be a lot of fire,
Your soul does not fade,
Let happiness not fade away. ©

Happy birthday greetings to an adult son

G They say that today's youth are not what they used to be. But I know for sure! My son is a serious person, responsible, attentive and responsive. I rejoice at his achievements along with the whole family and on his birthday I want to raise my glass high and wish him a smooth path in life, true friends and new achievements! Let my son learn as much as possible about this wonderful world and try to make it a little better with his good deeds.

TO When you are young, all roads are open to you. And it is very important not to make a mistake, to choose the right path and meet true friends on it, not to give up in the face of difficulties and, having overcome them, to be able to keep the happiness received not only in your hands, but also in your heart. My son! You are young, but already wise and serve as a support for your family. I understand that in addition to work, a person should also know rest, so I wish you to have a lot of fun on your birthday, so that you have something to remember when you reach the same age as me!


WITH Market, for me today is not only your birthday. Today is another date from the moment when my life changed irrevocably. From the moment you were born, all my thoughts, aspirations and aspirations were connected only with you. At first I rejoiced at your first steps, your first words, then at your first achievements and successes. And today I am absolutely happy that God gave me such a wonderful son. You are already an adult and will soon fly out of your birth nest. But I ask you to never forget about me. In my thoughts I will always be with you. I love you very much my birthday boy.

D my dear boy. There is probably no greater happiness for parents than being proud of their son. On your birthday, I must confess to you that sometimes I brag about you to my friends and acquaintances. But there is something to brag about! You earn good money, you have many talents, you are the center of attention everywhere, and, by the way, you are not offended by the attention of women. Of course, it’s not nice to brag, but I can’t help it. Maybe I just want to share with people the joy and pride for my son that simply overwhelms me. I wish you happiness son and great success in life.


WITH market! You have grown up, become big, and have a long adult life ahead of you. On your birthday, your parents would like, first of all, to wish you to be happy. Wherever you are, whatever path you choose for yourself, the main thing is to be happy. Enjoy every day and manage to do everything you wanted in it, don’t put off fulfilling your desires until tomorrow, try to be attentive to your friends, and to your loved ones, and especially to your family, which you will definitely create one day, give your whole heart and believe - good will return to you a thousand times!


R one my son! You are already quite big, but for your mother you are still a baby. Maybe some men are shy about motherly care, but you are not like that, and I am very proud of you! When you had your own family, I backed down a little, because now you have a wife, and she loves you so much, cares about you so much, that I don’t have to worry about how you are there alone, without your mother? And yet, on your birthday, I wish you not only to be a good husband and a faithful friend, but also not to forget that you are a beloved son - and I will always love you!


IN an adult son, the head of his own family, a happy husband and father, a successful person who knows how to work well and have a good time, a loyal friend and the soul of the company. Congratulating such a son on his birthday, hugging him on this day and wishing him many years and happiness - what could be more beautiful? Please accept our congratulations on this joyful day, son! Always be as happy as you are today, love and be loved!


TO When I look at you, son, I understand that there are no shortage of heroes on earth! You are so young, strong and intelligent, you can be trusted with any business, you are surrounded by truly loyal friends and value your family, spending so much precious time with us! You may not have medals on your chest, but you have a thousand awards from me, for me you are not only my only son, but also the embodiment of a real man! Happy Birthday, may your life always be full of light, the grace of fortune and love!


D horny son! On your birthday, if I could give you a million, it would be a million possibilities! If I could give you a kingdom, it would be the kingdom of beauty. But I gave you life. Take all the possibilities from her and make this world a little more beautiful and kinder!

P May you be destined, like a real man, to build such a house so that you can grow your own botanical garden around it, in which your younger sons would love to play hide and seek, and the older ones would pass through it to their own football field.
May you always have enough strength in your body so as not to bend before the strong, and may your spirit be strong enough to never raise your hand against the weak.
On his birthday, I wish my son good health, I know that it is not all that a person can wish for, but I also know that without it a person does not want anything.

ABOUT Once you celebrate your next birthday - and suddenly you realize how far away childhood is! Now all your thoughts are about work, about everyday affairs, every day you choose a tie for a suit, not cars for games, you think about how to meet a good girl, and not about how to become a pirate and find treasure. Adult life is, of course, interesting and very important, but I want to wish you, son, and believe me, I know what I’m saying - don’t forget about childhood! Remember how you were able to dream, find amazing things in the simplest things, and, if something didn’t work out one day, believe that the next day everything would be much better! Keep a little childhood in your soul - and everything will always be fine with you!

H then wish your son for his birthday? From all the guests, from friends and acquaintances, wishes flow like a river and congratulations are heard to the clink of glasses of champagne. But we will not get lost and wish him what every man needs in life! Good health, heroic strength, the ability to make witty jokes and have fun in moderation, interesting work, reliable friends, a few adventurous adventures and, of course, love, hot as a flame and affectionate as the sun!

WITH Today is my son's birthday. I remember his first step, his first word. Everything happened so long ago, it feels like yesterday. Son, I congratulate you and wish that all difficulties pass you by. You are my treasure, I love you very much!

WITH Today, on your birthday, I want not only to congratulate you simply, but with all my heart, like a father, but also to tell you that while you were little, I myself was a little bit of a boy. Do you remember when we put together a construction set together and I taught you how to climb trees? Throughout your childhood we were playmates, and it was as if I grew up again with you. And today we are both adults and serious men, celebrating your holiday together, and I want to wish you, son, great happiness, such that you can barely carry it with you, and enjoy it for many years!

TO Every birthday of our beloved son is a special holiday, but today we celebrate it in a new way, and there are good reasons for this. How long has it been since we rocked you in our arms? And today you have your child in your arms, which means we have become not just parents, but also grandparents! We wish you a happy birthday and wish your home to always be full of love, happiness and fun! Be a caring father and loving husband!

WITH Happy birthday, my most beloved son. You are already such an adult, but for me you will always remain my little sun. I wish you all the blessings of the world, a sea of ​​love and happiness. Please be happy and healthy, I want it so much!

WITH Today is your birthday, an excellent reason to, putting aside respectability, just like in childhood, enjoy gifts and cakes, listen to congratulations and smile at the fact that when you grow up, you don’t need to read poetry for guests. Son, always remember that your parents love you, are proud of your successes and that you are more important to them than anything in the world!

AND I wish you never stop wishing! A person lives by his desires and dreams. And what desires he has, such is the person himself. If there are no more desires, there is no point in living. Dream and wish, my son! And may your dreams be the most beautiful and great! Such that the whole world knows about them and rejoices with you for the fulfillment of your desires.

TO When generations change, morals change, people live in new ways, but love, loyalty, honor and generosity always remain unchanged. During our youth, everything was different, but looking at you, we can say - the world has a good future as long as there are men like you in it, son! You are a true friend, you are valued at work, you live life to the fullest and do not forget about us, the old people... Remember, we love you, and on this birthday, and on every other, we wish you what has always been called happiness, and It’s up to you to decide what to put into this word, but we know that it will be something very good!

H What should a mother do on her son’s birthday if she is far away and cannot hold him tightly to her heart? All that remains is to combine all the warmth of your heart with your congratulations, and even if your son does not hear, but reads it, believe that he will feel that his mother loves him very much and misses him very much! I congratulate you, son, and wish that your dreams, even the most incredible ones, always come true, that you always have a reason to smile, and that the best girl in the world loves you!

WITH Son, on your birthday, I want to wish you to spend every day in such a way that you can say “today I did everything I could to become happy.” As often happens: days and months pass, and we look back with sadness, realizing that not all our dreams have come true yet... Appreciate every moment given to us by fate, be open and honest, do not forget friends and family, love and be loved!

WITH Since childhood, you were a dreamer, and not only restless, but also a dreamer, and it’s so great to see that you haven’t left your dreams in the past with your childhood! On your birthday, we, your parents, cordially congratulate you and wish you to always have plenty of strength to fulfill your dreams and, of course, always be healthy, cheerful and surrounded by friends!

WITH he can grow up, become a serious man and wear an expensive suit, have a wife and children, lead a large team and generally succeed in every way, but for his parents he will always be a boy who you want to take care of. Today we will allow ourselves to be a little intrusive and wish you not only a fun birthday celebration, but also from today on becoming even better! Always be smart and generous, kind and sympathetic, cheerful and cheerful!

L beloved son! Today you are celebrating your birthday in a new role for yourself - the head of your own family and a happy father, so first of all we want to wish you a lot of love and care for your family: even in the coldest winter, within its walls there will be not just warmth, but hot from overwhelming love. We believe that your children will take after both their mother and father, adopting your kind character and smile! Be happy always and everywhere, your family is with you - and this is the main thing.

H it could be more beautiful than this wonderful time, life is still without problems and everything seems rosy. There are a lot of plans and it seems that there are no obstacles to their implementation. I wish you cloudless happiness and strong true love. Happy birthday!

WITH Eun, I wish you a happy birthday. You have always been correct and honest and deserve to be called a real man. Always be like this, be my pride and joy! Go through life easily and don’t notice minor difficulties. I love you!

AND I wish you, my son, riches. But not the one that is measured in money. Today a person has money, but tomorrow anyone can take it away. Dignity and nobility are never measured by money. Otherwise, they would not have gone to vile and dishonest people. I wish for true wealth, one that cannot be stolen. So that you always have the opportunity to act according to your conscience, to love the one after your heart, to make the decisions that suit your mind. I wish you to always have the greatest opportunity - to be yourself.

N and the whole family has gathered to celebrate your birthday, you are surrounded by near and dear people, you smile happily, and I smile with you, because you are my only son. I'm glad that we always had not only a father-son relationship, but also the kind that good friends should have. We always spoke as equals, argued enthusiastically and did not hesitate to ask for advice. I wish you to always be as happy as on this day, to boldly walk through life and, without losing heart, to work conscientiously to make your life even better!

TO It’s so good when your son grows up and is almost big, and it’s clear to everyone that he turned out to be a very good person! Now, son, you are at that most amazing age when a person is what he will be almost all his life. You are moderately serious, you know how and love to study, you are surrounded by good friends, you are interested in many things and you dream of one day creating a strong, friendly dream. On your birthday, we wish you to fulfill all your dreams and always remain the same wonderful person as you are today, however, you can become even better!

T It has become a tradition from the distant past that men are always ahead. They need to build cities, discover new lands, defend their home and create works of art... Of course, women are very important, but what would they do without men? Therefore, son, always remain in the ranks of those men who can not only make history, but also make women truly happy! Love your wife, take care and protect - and then, believe me, you will be able to move mountains when you have a warm home and your family!

D horny son! On this holiday, I wish you joy, health and happiness! May your life pass with love, faith and hope! May the sky be clear like your dreams!

TO When you become an adult and all roads are open, the main thing is not to get confused and choose the right path. And it doesn’t matter whether it is short or long, straight or winding, the main thing is that there are reliable satellites on the road, and the map, that is, plans for the future, are clear and understandable. And, of course, you should like the path yourself, son, because you are the master of your destiny and you can create your life, make all your dreams come true, the main thing is not to forget about it even for a moment! I wish you strength, self-confidence and good luck, be true to yourself and the call of your heart!

AND I wish you, son, more success and less luck. Don’t be surprised, you know, I love and value only the real and reliable, something on which to build further. Success is the result of your hard work and confirmation of the right choice. This is the foundation, the stone, the armor. If you push off from success, you won’t be shaken. And luck is chance. Today he brought you three gold coins, and tomorrow he took away ten. It’s not for nothing that they say that luck is a deceiver to the fidgety. Today with you, and tomorrow with your enemies. Therefore, you smile at her, but hope only for your own success.

IN magical holiday, on your birthday, I raise a glass to you, my most beloved man, my son! May luck always be with you, like a faithful dog, and may difficulties themselves make way for you, because you, like no one else, deserve a smooth road strewn with good events!

WITH yn is the heir of his father, the successor of the family, the one who will carry a piece of his family’s life into the new family that he will one day create. I admit, I once did not dare to dream that my son would be such a nice guy! Kind and sympathetic, a loyal friend, capable of many sciences, cheerful and a little ready to take risks! I see you as a continuation of myself, even better, which I am very happy about! On your birthday, I hug you tightly and congratulate you with all my fatherly heart! Be happy, son, and pass on the best that is in you to your children!

P Happy birthday to you, son! I wish you to accomplish 100 feats! I'm sure my son is a hero. But you don’t have to perform any of these feats with weapons in your hands. Let your heroic glory be won, if on the field, then in the grain or football, if in battle, then in vocal or poetic. May you brainstorm every day and storm the granite fortresses of scientific discoveries. Great peaceful victories to you, my son.

You have become an adult and we are proud of you!
You embodied family traits:
Cheerful, energetic and skillful,
Among the weak - kind, among the strong - brave.

And we want your life to be
Pure, bright, free from evil,
And to be distinguished among everyone
Good luck, happiness and success to you!

Happy birthday greetings to an adult son

On this day we wish our son
Always be the same young
We congratulate him from the bottom of our hearts
And we will give a parental order:

Your life, son, is going well:
You have a wife and children.
You love them sincerely and tenderly -
Always answer for them.

We are with our hearts and will help
Overcome all your difficulties -
We have no relatives or dearer to you,
There is no closer, even though we live far away.

Happy birthday greetings to an adult son in verse

On this day, son, again
We will repeat it more than once,
That you are the best in the world -
You have become our pride!

So fly to your goal,
A proud and free bird,
And let the flight be happy
Will never stop.

We'll ask the Lord
True friends for you,
And beautiful, pure love,
And start a family soon.

Happy birthday greetings to an adult son to the point of tears

You were born into an ordinary family,
But I have already achieved a lot,
You became an excellent specialist long ago,
And your ardor for work has not subsided,

We are proud of you, our son,
You are a very honest person
There will be no bumps in your destiny,
May you be lucky for a whole century,

On your wonderful birthday,
At least rest a little,
Confessions, joy, admiration,
Buy it on this day!

Happy birthday poem for an adult son

Time flew by like a river -
You're quite big.
Happy Birthday,
My dear son!
I want to wish you
Have a smooth path
The goal is big - so that you can’t
Get off to the side.
Let it warm you with warmth
Light of love,
And with my only one
Live in joy!

Poem-happy birthday to an adult son

You are our beloved son,
You make us happy every day.
And on your birthday,
We'll drink a glass to you!

I want to wish you the best success,
I wish you a joyful life without obstacles.
Good luck in your studies, career growth,
And, of course, many awards.

Touching birthday greetings to an adult son

How quickly the years have flown by, now you are no longer a baby.
Strong, courteous, smart, handsome. Not a guy, but a strong guy.
I wish you always green light on your life's journey.
Skip the sorrows and listen to the advice:
Live by honor, don’t be a fool, because we have one life.
And I want to live in such a way that I don’t know shame.

Beautiful happy birthday greetings to an adult son

We congratulate our son together,
You have grown up and matured greatly!
Smart, well-read, strong-willed,
You just became Apollo!

We wish you not to get lost in life,
Catch luck by the tail
Don't stress over trifles,
Don't play tricks with fortune!

Happy birthday to my adult son

Congratulations, son, happy birthday!
May fate be kind to you
There will be joy more often than a moment
Send on all days, all years.

Let everything you want come true,
So that you walk the right path.
May all your wishes come true.
I want you to find what you are looking for!

Short birthday greetings to an adult son

Happy birthday, my dear son!
The years only brighten you men,
And now you are wise, strong and cheerful -
Age is not your master.

Be healthy always, beloved son,
To know, without knowing boredom and blues,
Manage your affairs smartly
And get the most out of life!

Happy birthday greetings to an adult son from his mother

Adult son, I beg you,
Give me grandchildren
After all, your mother is tired,
Suffering from boredom

I will be glad to have a granddaughter,
I will be glad to have a grandson
They will become for me
The best reward

Happy birthday son
Congratulations to you
I'm talking about your kids,
I've been dreaming for so long!

Happy birthday greetings to an adult son from dad

You are already a grown man,
So they raised a son.
Everyone, son, you are good.
After all, you won't find anyone smarter.

You are responsive and successful.
We love you, of course.
Be unattainable for troubles.
Son, happy birthday!

Happy birthday greetings to an adult son from parents

Son! You got into so many troubles
Character is tempered on the steps,
And we, parents, loved, were close,
Dreaming only good things for you.

In you we see a real man,
Support for friends and family,
Our blessing will not leave
You, believe us, in any situation!

Blow out the candles on your birthday cake,
May your path in life be easy and bright!

Happy birthday today
I want to congratulate my son,
It seems like I was still a boy
And suddenly he became an adult man.

Be happy, son,
You can cope with difficulties
And only for us, parents,
You will remain a child.

My son, you are no longer a boy,
He has matured, wiser, matured.
For me, as before, you are my son -
For others you have become a man.

I want to wish you on your birthday
Achieve your main goals,
Continue to be admired
With your friends and girlfriends!

I wish you, son, on your birthday
Around the best friends
So that goals and beliefs
Yours were quickly justified.

So that what I have been striving for for a long time,
You finally succeeded
So that your children are proud of you,
After all, you are their glorious father!

And for my wife to support
All your beginnings
So that there are enough funds for all needs,
And there was plenty of love!

May the road be joyful
Your every day will be remembered.
Always rely on God
For kind, open people!

My adult son, on your birthday
I wish you health and only good things!
May all achievements be worthy,
May your every moment be better than yesterday!

May there be many events in your life:
In career, family, among best friends!
I wish you prosperity and new discoveries,
May you live many joyful, sunny days!

Happy birthday to you,
Unnoticed, son, you have become an adult,
And for us, it’s like it was just yesterday,
You were kicking your ball down the street.

You go forward persistently,
As father and mother taught,
And decisions in life, son,
Don't rush to accept it rashly.

We want you to achieve
Unprecedented heights and peaks,
And may you always be happy,
Our beloved and adult son.

My son is support and support,
You have become an adult, you have become strong!
Always work hard
May you achieve a lot in life.

I also wish you on your birthday
Love, good luck and kindness,
Just a good mood.
Spring warmth in my soul!

Fly on sails to the oceans of glory,
Become a dashing captain, overcome fear,
And you will replace the fragile skiff with a white steamer,
After all, those who don’t take risks don’t drink champagne!

Sail through life, son, with a good ship,
Through storms and fogs we will find the islands!
The purest lagoons and pearl fields,
That new land will be the Promised Land!

My dear son, happy birthday
I congratulate you.
Let him be next to you
Angel that protects you.

May life be all happy,
My wife always makes me happy.
Let him protect you
Mother's hand.

May your wishes come true.
I love you, son.
Congratulations on your birthday
I send it to you with love.

Even though you have grown up a long time ago,
I'll pour some wine into a glass.
To drink to you
And this is just loving!

For your home and family,
I'm drinking to you today!
Happy birthday,
And I'll send you luck.

May luck smile
And the fun begins.
Let inspiration come
And luck comes with it.

Happy birthday
I love you, my adult son.
Grew up quickly, flew by
Days in a moment.

I wish you happiness, son,
I want to wish you in life.
Let troubles go by,
To not know them at all.

I ask fate a little:
Only goodness, health, strength,
So that you are always safe
The angel kept it carefully.

Beautiful happy birthday greetings to an adult son

You have matured and become an adult,
And you've been living alone for a long time,
But we love you as before,
Our beloved, dear son,
Happy Birthday be happy,
Don't go astray
We wish you well
Find your purpose in life!

Dear son, happy birthday!
Please accept our congratulations!
Wishes of happiness and health
We send you with great love!

So that your eyes burn with fire.
So that there is peace in the soul. But not in the body.
What did you plan to make everything come true?
And it will succeed that it didn’t!

You have become an adult, matured,
Created my own style
You've become handsome, young man.
You are beautiful, you are a man!

I'm proud of you, no doubt
I'm happy with your life.
Be purposeful
And always unsurpassed!

Happy birthday, dear son,
Happy Birthday honey.
I only wish you happiness in life
And congratulations again!

Happy birthday son,
Don't be alone in life.
Know that we are always with you,
Even in summer and winter.

You couldn't find a better son
At least the floor can be bypassed.
You have achieved a lot in life,
And he did not stray from his path.

I want you to meet happiness
And never let go.
Happy name day dear,
Our son is mischievous!

Happy birthday,
And I'll send you luck.
You, son, are our support,
And there can be no dispute.

After all, you've been an adult for a long time,
And the man is serious!
We wish you happiness in life,
After all, with you, we will not lose heart.

We wish, with grief, not to know,
And never lose heart.
Happy name day dear,
Our son is mischievous!

Happy Birthday, dear son!
Happy Birthday, my protector, man!
How trembling I am next to you!
I am grateful to heaven for such a son.

On your bright holiday, son, I want to say:
There is no one more loved, closer and dearer than you.
Let me wish with all my heart,
To make every day more meaningful, brighter!

Happy Birthday! Have a successful career,
In the heart - joy, happiness and faith.
Our son, be a wonderful man,
Possessing a happy fate!

May luck not forget you
Everything will be great and fun.
May your friends be faithful by your side.
Achievements are flying like stars!

Son, you are our support, support,
Happy birthday, dear,
May they come true for you soon
Dreams prepared by fate!
I wish you success in your career,
Health, and a lot of strength,
So that every day to you in great measure,
Happiness, joy, income brought,
Let all sorrows pass by, son,
Problems and anger will bypass,
So that fun consoles you,
And life is easy for you!

You have grown up, son, you are no longer a child,
The man is stately in front of me.
I wish that you continue to be
A brick wall and a rock.

So that your shoulder can serve
Support those who are closest.
Let it wait for you around the corner
Love, recognition, success!

If you took the fight, don't give up
Move your ideas forward.
Dream, create and enjoy,
Let good luck await you in everything!

A great reason to have fun
For celebration and kind words,
Happy birthday to you, son.
We congratulate you, be healthy!

May work go smoothly
And at home, thank God, everything is fine,
The family is happy and prosperous,
Not life, just marmalade.

Go ahead, let good luck
It will be with you here and there,
Don't be upset by failures
They will pass, you know yourself.

We wish, love, congratulate,
We wish you happiness bag.
Once again we hug you tenderly,
Our grown son, our own son!

Beautiful birthday greetings for an adult son

Happy birthday my son
You are a distinguished man.
Let it be for sadness and blues
No reason found.

You are my pride, my joy,
Don't change, keep it up!
I wish you, son,
Be the first and win.

Be happy, be a beautiful family,
Always be a faithful friend
Let problems and bad weather
They never bother.

I wish you, son, on your birthday
More health and only good things.
Let only one achievement await you,
May you live even better than you lived yesterday!

May there be many wonderful events
In a career, in a family, among close friends.
I wish you many new discoveries
And only happy and joyful days!

I gave you life, son, and I know
You always remember this well.
But your destiny, my light, is different.
Let it be brighter, better than mine!

Today on my birthday I wish you
Families are like a fortress of happiness for centuries!
Let them be valued and respected at work,
The road will be easy without any problems!

I was once a child
Small, funny,
Loved to run naked
He was a nice child!

Increased. Became quite big.
You are already a man
Happy birthday to you
Congratulations to my son!

I wish you happiness, light,
Peace and good luck,
Well, what about minor adversities?
They don't mean anything!

Son, happy birthday,
I wish you health, love and goodness.
Let the streak of good luck and luck
Will never stop in your life

Let your eyes glow with happiness
Joy and peace reign in the soul,
Let it avoid bad weather,
And there will be harmony and harmony in the family.

You've already achieved so much
Success follows success.
Now I can be proud of you,
After all, you are an honest, kind person!

Son, happy birthday!
How our boy has grown!
Take it when you grow up
You are childhood luggage:

Love of relatives, parents,
And faith in your success,
You will be the winner
For us, you are the best!

We wish you happiness, joy,
Health, many years to come!
And despise dangers
Have fun seeing the light!

Be happy, son, day after day!
Let there be warmth in your heart!
Despite the whole life story,
Let there be only light in your soul!

Let the bad things pass you by
Well, he’ll soon find happiness!
All friends, work, love
Let them just make you fabulously happy again!

Our son, we congratulate
Happy Birthday to You!
And with all our hearts we wish:
Never be sad.

May your health be strong,
The wallet is full of money.
May grief not meet you,
Let everythnig will be alright!

We wish you happiness
Let success not go away
May luck live with you,
So that laughter can be heard in the apartment.

Happy Birthday,
My beloved, grown-up son!
I wish you bright impressions,
Reach any peaks.

Always remain a man
A good husband and father.
Make fewer mistakes in life
Let the house be full of happiness.

Son, you've become a year older,
Stronger, bigger...
May you be lucky in everything
What would you not wish for?
Let life flow like a river
Calm and easy.
Hold on to the oars tightly,
Be a good fisherman.
Do you want to be a driver?
Scientist or doctor...
But just don’t forget us,
Your family, your home.

gastroguru 2017