Birthday script. Alexey's fifth birthday. Scenario for children's birthday (for girls) Children's birthday at home scenario for 5 years

Olga Zharikova
Birthday scenario for children 5 years old

Birthday script for children 5 years old

IN: Hello, boys and girls, children and animals!

I think it is no coincidence that you have all gathered here today. So? Our birthday boy invited you here, what is his name? That's right, Vildan.

And it was no coincidence that I called you little animals. Today we will go to the magical, fabulous Kingdom of Animals!

There we will meet different animals, play fun games, and spend some time ourselves animals: bunnies, butterflies, bears, turtles! You are ready? Then we open the gates of our Kingdom.

IN: Name days are nice,

It's weird and funny -

Accept congratulations

And receive gifts!

With day congratulations on your birthday, what do we wish for Vildan?

All guests take turns giving gifts and expressing wishes.

Together: With day birth!

IN: How old is Vildan now?

Children: Five!

IN: We'll stamp our feet five times! Have fun!

We will clap our hands five times! Make friends!

Come on, Vildan, turn around!

Come on, Vildan, bow!

And once again we all stomp!

And let's clap our hands again!

One two three four five!

IN: Dear Guys!

Music plays for you

Increases your appetite!

Eat, guests, don't be shy.

Enjoy yourselves with all your heart!


IN: Come here, look how flowery the meadow is. Now you and I will become bees and butterflies for a while. Children are divided into two teams and relay races are held.

1. Flower relay

1. run around the flowers on the floor like a snake and return to your house

2. "flutter" from flower to flower and return home

3. Hedgehogs carry mushrooms on their heads

2. “We all have hands!”

IN: Oh, guys, we forgot Vildana "Loaf" sing!

Everyone gets up in a round dance and leads the loaf. Here you can hear the rumble of an empty bucket, an incomprehensible noise, and Baba Yaga appears.

Baba Yaga: Who's making noise here? Who's getting hungry? Oh, how many children, and girls, and boys! Now I’ll fry and eat everyone!

IN: Stop, stop! You, Baba Yaga, where did you come from? How did you get to the children's party? How did you find out our address? We didn't invite you!

B-Y: We weren't invited! And I found this on the street (shows the invitations that were prepared for all guests) and I guessed that there would be a lot of delicious boys and girls here!

(begins to hunt for the guys) Oh, I'll fry it and eat it!

IN: Wait, Baba Yaga, you don’t even know what our holiday is!

B-Y: Yes, I can guess now! It's easy! Defender of the Fatherland Day? Or not, New Year? (addresses children)

IN: But I didn’t guess right! (children prompt) Day birth in the Fairytale Animal Kingdom!

B-Y: In the Animal Kingdom, you say? Do you even know what kinds of animals there are? Come on, name me the animals. Who live in the forest? (children call) Well, do you know any pets?

B-Y: Okay, okay, that's enough already! This is not what I came here for! I haven’t had breakfast this morning yet, I need to fortify myself with some of the most delicious boys and girls!

IN: Stop, Baba Yaga, don’t scare the guys! Look how smart, beautiful, strong and brave they all are! Don't ruin our holiday!

B-Y: Smart, you say? I do not believe!

IN: Check it out!

B-Y: Okay, I’ll tell them my own Babkin-Yozhkin riddles! Only a persuasion such: if they can’t guess, then I’ll choose the most elegant one and eat it! OK?

IN: Oh, you're hungry, Baba Yaga!

Addresses the guys: - Well, are you brave? Will you dare to solve Babkin-Yozhkin’s riddles or will you be afraid?

D: Let's take a risk!

B-Y: Now, where are my most difficult riddles? (looks through his pockets for a long time, pulls out all sorts of different pieces of paper) Well, I found it, just about animals! Only you should you will not just guess the animal, but also show it! Can you do it?


Stands on one leg

He looks intently into the water.

Pokes his beak at random,

Looking for frogs in the river.

A drop hung on my nose.

Do you recognize? This … (heron)

The tail is fluffy, the fur is bright,

And insidious and cunning.

The animals know everything in the forest

Bright red... (fox)

He stuck his paw into the hollow

And let's growl, roar.

Oh, what a sweet tooth you are,

Clubfoot... (bear)

He waddles like a sailor,

White tie, black tailcoat.

In Antarctica among the ice floes

Spends his days... (penguin)

Wake up early in the morning

Indiscriminately the whole family.

Singing caresses the ears,

Our village... (rooster)

B-Y: Yes, I haven’t been able to choose who to eat yet, all my riddles have been answered! Let me organize another competition! Since you know what all the animals look like, try and collect them. And guess what kind of animals there are. In the meantime, I’ll sit down and rest on this stump.

(children collect images of animals like a mosaic from several parts)

B-Y: Well done, so attentive! And here's what else I I remembered: tomorrow is our forest Bear’s Day Birth! So you can help him prepare a gift - collect pine cones!

Baba Yaga scatters pine cones on the floor and blindfolds the children. Children collect them in a basket and give them to Baba Yaga.

B-Y: Oh, and smart guys! I’ll take them to my hut!

IN: Guys, run away quickly, don’t get caught by Baba Yaga!

Baba Yaga makes an attempt to catch up with the guys, without getting up from her chair.

B-Y: Oh, I’m kind of tired, I’ll call the Golden Gate now, let them catch someone for me!

Two parents come out, hold hands and then raise them, then lower them. Children stand in a line and try to slip through "gates". Naturally, "gates" no one can be caught.

IN: Look, Baba Yaga, how clever, brave and skillful our kids are!

B-Y: Oh, yes, kids, oh, yes, they are clever! How can I choose the most delicious one? What else can I come up with so that I won’t be left without lunch? (Baba Yaga grumbles, says something, looks for something in her knapsacks)

IN: Guys, I came up with an idea! While Baba Yaga is thinking about us, let's turn into monkeys. I think Baba Yaga doesn’t eat monkeys. Repeat the words after me and movement:

We are funny monkeys

We play too loud.

We clap our hands

We stomp our feet

Puff out our cheeks

Let's jump on our toes,

And even to each other

We'll show you the tongues.

We blink our eyes,

We wag our tail.

Let's jump to the ceiling together

Let's put our finger to our temple.

Let's open our mouths wider,

Let's make a face.

How can I tell the number "3",

Freeze your faces!

One two Three!

The monkeys freeze with funny faces.

B-Y: Feet - nuts! Where have all the kids gone? Only the monkeys remained, and they were so tasteless and bony. Well, here we are again without lunch! Well, I have to leave, maybe the bear will treat me.

Baba Yaga leaves, taking a basket of pine cones, groaning and grumbling.

IN: Hooray! Outwitted Baba Yaga! You can now play in peace!


1. Kittens and piglets, (blindfolded, find yours by sound "brothers")

2. Peacocks. (A peacock is chosen for each team. It is necessary to provide your peacock with chic feathers. Each participant, having reached the peacock, places multi-colored feathers in his belt "feathers". You can put it on at the end "feathers" and on the head).

Everyone admires the peacock

The light came upon him wedge:

After all, such beauty

You can see it even from a mile away!

(Peacocks show off their beauty)

3. Turtle waist. And now you and I will turn into turtles. We found two turtle waists, can you fit in them? (Teams are invited to fit everyone into the hoop at once, and in this position run to the chair and back).

4. Relay race of monkeys with bananas. What treat do you think monkeys love most? Now we’ll treat them to bananas. (Each team member must run backwards to a piece of banana, eat it, make a face at everyone and return to the team).

5. Frogs (jump from bump to bump and croak loudly)

Dance – "Journey to Africa" (to the song of Little Red Riding Hood).

Elephant dance.

IN: What a wonderful day birth!

So much joy and fun!

We visited the kingdom

We ran away from Baba Yaga.

To end the holiday,

We will thank everyone!

The birthday boy gives small gifts to guests (balls on a stick). Preparing for tea. The table is set. The children are invited to dance while the presenter goes to get the cake. It turns out that the cake "disappeared".

IN: Where's the cake? It was apparently stolen by Baba Yaga!

Children look for a cake and find it. Tea party!


o The flowers are flat

o Pictures with images of animals, birds, insects

o Flowers - bows on the wall

o Basket

o Cones, mushrooms

o Blindfolds

o Hemp fabric

o Animal applique details

o Riddles for Baba Yaga

o Balloons on a stick - gifts for everyone

o Costumes of Baba Yaga and clown

o 2 bananas for the relay race

o Poem about a turtle's waist

o For "peacocks"- 2 belts and colorful scarves

o 2 hoops

DR - as noted

I’ll tell you what we did in the DR, in case someone might find the ideas useful.

There were 6 children in Nastya's BD - 5 girls and 1 boy. Theme - we had "fairy tales"

During the preparation process, I found a lot of interesting things on the Internet (thanks to everyone who shares such useful information!!!), synthesized everything into a single whole, added something of my own, and this is what came out.

The meeting of guests went like this

WE will open the holiday now,
We'll arrange some wonderful games here.
Turn everyone towards each other
And shake hands with a friend.
Raise your hands up everyone
And move the top.
Let's shout cheerfully: "Hurray!"
It's time to start the games!!!
Help each other
Answer the questions
Only "Yes" and only "No"
Let me know your answer:
If "no" you say
Then knock your feet
If you say "Yes" -
Clap your hands then.
An old grandfather goes to school.
Is this true, children?.. (No - the children knock their feet).
Does he take his grandson there?
Answer together... (Yes - clap your hands).
Is ice frozen water?
We answer together... (Yes).
After Friday - Wednesday?
Together we will answer... (No).
Is spruce always green?
We answer, children... (Yes).
Is birthday a fun day?.. (Yes)
Are there games and jokes waiting for you?.. (Yes)
Are you okay with humor?.. (Yes)
Are we doing exercises now?.. (No)
Shall we congratulate the birthday girl?.. (Yes)
Or will we send it to grandma?.. (No)
Shall we give her (him) a chocolate bar?.. (Yes)
Let's kiss sweetly-sweetly?.. (Yes)

Here everyone kissed and congratulated Nastya.

Then the children turned into princesses and a prince (king). We played the game “A King Walked Through the Forest”:

Everyone dances in a circle and says a rhyme:

The king walked through the forest, through the forest, through the forest,
Found myself a princess, princess, princess,
(the “king” chooses the “princess” and puts a “crown” on her head)
Let's jump, jump, jump,
(everyone jumps)
We kick our legs, we kick, we kick,
(kicking legs)
Let's clap our hands, clap our hands, clap our hands,
(clap hands)
Let's stomp our feet, stomp our feet, stomp our feet,
(stomping feet)
Let's shake our heads,
(shakes heads)
Let's start first!
(the girl returns to her place).
The king walked through the forest...
(the “king” chooses a new “princess”).

Nastya became the first princess, and then everyone else in turn.

After a small festive snack (sandwiches, chicken in batter, fruit, juice), the children went in search of the main attribute of the holiday - a cake in a fairyland.

To begin with, there was a short warm-up of a riddle on the knowledge of fairy-tale characters. Some were simpler, others were tricky with a trick:

The nose is round, with a heel.
It is convenient for them to rummage in the ground.
The tail is small, crocheted.
Instead of shoes - hooves.
Three of them - and to what extent?
Friendly brothers look alike.
Guess without a hint
Who are the heroes of this fairy tale? (3 little pigs)

The grandmother loved the girl very much.
I gave her a red riding hood.
The girl forgot her name.
Well, tell me her name! (Little Red Riding Hood)

My father had a strange boy.
Unusual wooden.
On land and under water
Looking for a golden key.
He sticks his long nose everywhere.
Who is this? (Pinocchio)

The fat man lives on the roof.
He flies higher than everyone else.
Loves jam.
And he plays with the Kid. (Carlson)

And funny riddles -
In the thicket, with my head raised,
A giraffe howls from hunger.

Daughters and sons
Teaches you to grunt... an ant.

He walked through the forest boldly,

But the fox ate the hero.

The poor thing sang goodbye

His name was...... CHEBURASHKA


Poor dolls are beaten and tormented,

He is looking for a magic key.

He looks terrible.

This is.....Dr. Aibolit


There is water inside it -

They don't want to hang out with him.

And all his girlfriends -

leeches and frogs!

All overgrown with algae

Good grandfather......FROST


Who knows a lot about raspberries?
Clubfoot, brown... wolf.

Having guessed the bear, we went to the toy bear to complete the task. Mishka asked the children to name fairy tales whose heroes are bears. Recalling Russian folk tales, the children received a puzzle piece for correct answers (I’ll show you which one at the end). In general, I don’t have many photos - my husband mostly took videos - so I’ll just tell you some of them.

The next fairy-tale character is waiting for us - the children found out again by solving the riddle

From the palm tree down, to the palm tree again,
A cow jumps deftly.

Monkeys are dexterous and skillful - and we decided to check how dexterous and accurate our children are.

The task was to hit the ball into a box - several attempts were allotted. Then a little complication and a game for a sweet prize - use a 2-ruble coin to land on a circle with 4 color sectors - whichever color you land on - that candy (marmalade) and eat.

For this competition, the monkey gave one more piece of the puzzle.

We buried the coin in a pot, watered it from a watering can, and later we’ll find out what will grow there.

Next riddle and character -

In your warm puddle
Barmaley croaked loudly.
(Little Frog)

We go to visit the king of the frogs - and where the frogs live - in the swamp - we jump over the swamp hummocks.

The hummocks are naturally also fabulous - with numbers - guess which fairy tale the numbers are from (3 bears, a wolf and seven kids, 12 months, 2 cheerful geese, 3 little pigs, Snow White and 7 dwarfs, 33 heroes, 101 Dalmatians)

Having jumped to the king of the frogs, we find out what he ate for lunch? We find objects in the pocket by touch and name them without looking. Our king ate a balloon, a ball, a pebble, a comb, a dragonfly and a fly (toys).

Frog also gave us a piece of the puzzle.

Then we move on to forfeits. We pop the balloons, read the notes and complete them.

Here the elders helped the younger ones, there were more forfeits than children - the latter did everything. Sample tasks - congratulate the birthday girl, moo and butt a cow, make a funny face, draw a flower, guess a riddle, sing a song, pretend to be an animal, jump on one leg.

Everyone did a great job - we get a piece of the puzzle.

The next task is to guess which fairy tale the object is from

The last one to guess was the boot from "Puss in Boots" - and it contained a piece of the puzzle.

We move on to Cinderella, who needs to get ready for the ball and choose the right shoe.

Having tried everything on, we find the correct one, the second one is hidden in Cinderella’s small purse along with the puzzle. Cinderella thanks the children and invites them to the ball to visit the prince. But before the ball, a short trip to the table for ice cream.

The ball - or mini-disco - included a medley of children's songs, the children danced with pleasure:)

All dancers received stickers and another piece of the puzzle.

The next task is a test for real princesses - the Princess and the Pea.

I placed doll blankets on 3 chairs - under one of them there was a bead (1.5 cm in diameter) - almost everyone guessed it.

1 more piece of the puzzle.

The last and most important task is to show the fairy tale yourself. For us it was "Turnip".

Having received the last piece of the puzzle, we fold the postcard and read

Let's go to the bathroom!!!

And remember when you buried the coin? A miracle tree with gifts has grown

This is the kind of birthday “Visiting a Fairy Tale” turned out to be.

Here is our birthday girl with her little sister. Where would we be without her? On December 7th we turned 5 years old! And although the Christmas fast is in full swing, 5 years happens once in a lifetime. So we decided to celebrate it with games and competitions. Of course, without dancing, etc. But it was still fun.

She and I made such useful gifts for guests from salt dough. Only for some reason, when I varnished them, the paint slipped off. As a result, for lack of a better option, I covered everything with colorless nail polish.

Thanks to this site, such winter arches were cut out. I cut out the glasses along the contour, and I made slits inside. Dad made the bells for the Christmas tree with Milana. We cut out individual cells from an egg carton and wrapped them in foil for baking. A bead was put on a thread and a loop was made for the bell.

And this is the main prop of the holiday - our cake!

If anyone is interested, I’m writing a script for our celebration. I couldn't find the source in my notes. But the script has been revised and expanded by me. At our party there were more adults than children (9 versus 3), so the program had to be remade to suit our company.

Presenter: Today for children and adults,
For thin and fat ones,
Obedient and naughty.
Happy and sad
Our most wonderful entertainment
Called Birthday!

Birthday is nice
This is wonderful and funny!
Birthday boy forward
Skip it, honest people!

The birthday boy comes out and stands on a chair.

Come on, guests, don't yawn.
Together, help in unison.
Happy birthday!
Guests. Yes Yes Yes!

Presenter. And, of course, we wish...
Guests. Yes Yes Yes!

Presenter. Grow Milana bigger!
Guests. Yes Yes Yes!

Presenter. Definitely be fatter...
Guests. No no no!

Presenter. Be beautiful, kind, sweet...
Guests. Yes Yes Yes!

Presenter. Both loud and pugnacious...
Guests. No no no!

Presenter. Be strong, healthy, brave...
Guests. Yes Yes Yes!

Presenter. Neat and skillful...
Guests. Yes Yes Yes!

Presenter. For mommy to love...
Guests. Yes Yes Yes!

Presenter. She hit me with the strap more often...
Guests. No no no!

Presenter. OK! To feed you candy...
Guests. Yes Yes Yes!

Presenter. Maybe stop congratulating? It's time to raise our glasses!
Guests. Yes Yes Yes!

Presenter. It is customary to give gifts on birthdays. So today we have prepared such a gift for our dear birthday girl.

The presenter draws attention to a large flower in a pot, on the branches of which multi-colored homemade empty candies hang.

There are many miracles in the world,
But go around the whole world -
A miracle like ours
Not in the whole world.

Look, guests.
After all, here on every branch
In bright, golden wrappers
The candies are swinging!

And the secret is in those sweets -
Will we guess it or not?

First candy
We remove it from the tree.
What will we find in the candy?
We don't know yet...

The presenter takes the candy from the tree, carefully unwraps it and reads the note:

“There is a gift more wonderful than all of them.
It’s called a friendly song!”

The birthday girl stands on a chair and everyone sings the song “Happy Birthday to You” for her.

Second candy
We remove it from the tree.
What's in this candy?
We'll find out now...

“The birthday girl is 5 years old -

A bouquet of compliments for her!”

All the guests compliment the birthday girl.

And now more one piece of candy
We are filming from a thin branch...

"Interesting riddles

We have prepared fairy tales for you."

1. Treats birds and animals,
He treats small children.
He looks through his glasses
Good doctor... (Aibolit).

2. The fat man lives on the roof,
He flies higher than everyone else
Loves jam
And he plays with the Kid. (Carlson)

3. It’s mixed with sour cream,
It's cold at the window,
Round side, ruddy side.
Rolled... (Kolobok).

4. The grandmother loved the girl very much.
I gave her a red cap.
The girl forgot her name
Well, tell me her name. (Little Red Riding Hood)

5. My father had a strange boy:
Unusual, wooden.
On land and under water
Looking for a golden key.
He sticks his long nose everywhere.
Who is this? (Pinocchio)

More one candy
I take it from the tree,
In this candy,
Now we will find out everything...

"The most fun in the world
Let's celebrate your birthday.
We know a lot of games

And now we’ll play them!” Game "Chamomile".

A flower with five petals is made of paper. The name of the game is written on the back of each one.

1. “Find out the fairy tale”

First, very childish:
1. Mouse, frog, bunny, fox, top, bear. ("Teremok")
2. Grandfather, woman, granddaughter, bug, cat, mouse. ("Turnip")
3. Grandfather, woman, chicken, egg. ("Chicken Ryaba")
4. Mom, daughter, pot of butter, pies, wolf, hunters. ("Little Red Riding Hood")
5. Toad, beetle, field mouse, swallow, elf. ("Thumbelina")

How about something more complicated?
2. Prince, queen, night, rain, feather bed. CLUE (if you suddenly find it difficult): pea ("The Princess and the Pea")
3. Sleigh, snow, robber girl, mirror, friendship. HINT: Kai, Gerda. ("The Snow Queen")
4. Soldier, ballerina, troll, snuffbox, fish, fire. HINT: witch. ("The Steadfast Tin Soldier")

2. Tongue twisters:

Bull, blunt-lipped, blunt-lipped bull.

The bull's white lip was blunt.

Tell us about your purchases.

What about purchases?

About shopping, about shopping,

about your purchases!

Spruce looks like a hedgehog -

Spruce in needles, hedgehog too!

3. Fold the picture

I cut out pages from coloring books. On one side it was a color drawing, on the other it was black and white. Children folded color pictures, adults – black and white.

4. Collect a bouquet

Flowers cut out of paper are laid out on the floor. Two participants are given buckets and blindfolded. Who will collect the most flowers?

5. The most accurate

Two buckets are placed at the same distance from the participants. Each participant is given three plastic “eggs” from Kinder Surprises. You need to get the balls into the buckets.

The guests really liked this competition. Everyone took part in it: both children and adults.

There were a lot of sweets here
Each one had a secret hidden.
We sang and danced,
Congratulations on your birthday.
But now on a thin branch
There is only one candy hanging.
And there’s a surprise in that candy -
A prize awaits the birthday boy!

A large one is brought in cake for the birthday boy.

Everyone made a wish and blew out the candles.

At the end of the program, the Birthday Girl handed out medals to all the guests. And then everyone pulled out a note from the box with the name of the gift from the hero of the occasion.

The entire entertainment program with toasts in between competitions took an hour and a half. Just before anyone got tired of it. The remaining time was spent talking about this and that.

Everyone was happy.

Good afternoon, my dear readers! I bring to your attention a birthday scenario. Games, competitions and fun that I organized for my eldest son’s fifth birthday (how long ago it was). And how we celebrated our youngest son’s one-year anniversary, you can see.

So, it all started in the morning. As soon as Alyosha opens his eyes, he sees many, many balls hanging around the room. There is a large poster hanging in the hall, in the center of which is his photograph and the inscription “You are five years old!” (By the way, later each guest will leave their autograph wish on it for the birthday boy). And on the table...


And there are dumbbells on the table in the hall. Below them is a note: “Go to the balcony.” There is a ball on the balcony, there is a note in the ball: “Brush your teeth.” In the bathroom there is a note attached to the brush: “It's going to be a long day. Get some food." There is already yogurt waiting in the kitchen, next to it is a note: “Find your house.” A house in the nursery, inside there is a remote control with a note: “The remote control is magic, ask dad for help.” (Remote control for a flying helicopter).

Meeting with guests

To each guest for a nominal fee in the form of an anecdote, riddle, poem, song, etc. At the entrance you will be given a festive cap and a personalized bag for collecting prizes.


While the kids are refreshed, we play an attention game. I read agreement poems, children must listen carefully and correctly insert a word that is suitable in meaning, and not in rhyme.

In the thicket, with my head raised,
A giraffe howls from hunger.

Who knows a lot about raspberries?
Clubfoot, brown... wolf.

Daughters and sons
Teaches you to grunt... an ant.

In your warm puddle
Barmaley croaked loudly.
(Little Frog).

From the palm tree down to the palm tree again
A cow jumps deftly.

Attention! Attention!
Word game!

Princesses from a book
They dream of becoming... (girls)

Watch the fight on the sidelines
They will never... (boys)

They only paint... (girls)

Lesha, Kolya, Sevochka
They call... (boys)

They love sports, cars, racing
Real... (boys)

Seeing a little gray mouse,
They will squeal in fear... (girls)

Tears shed without respite
Many are capable... (girls)

Load crushed stone into a dump truck
They can easily... (boys)

Birdhouse - home for chicks -
Easy to put together... (boys)

In summer sundresses
They only walk... (girls)

When the children have tried all the salads and the main course, we move on, strictly speaking, to the game program.


To warm up, we do a round dance. Children join hands and stand in a circle. The birthday boy himself stands in the center of the circle. Children sing, performing simple movements, according to the words of the song (before clapping), holding hands.
Like on Lesha's birthday
We baked a loaf:
Such a height (hands up)
Such lows (sit down, touch the floor/ground with your hands)
This is the width (diverge to the sides)
These are the dinners! (converge to the center)
Loaf, loaf, (clap hands)
Whom you love - choose!

Birthday boy:
I love everyone, of course
And here<имя одного из детей>most!

The new “birthday boy” stands in a circle and everything repeats all over again. Depending on the company, you can play “Loaf” with all the guests, or only with the birthday person.

Game "Chamomile"

A large daisy hangs on a magnetic board. On the back of its petals are glued images of animals that need to be voiced. For example, “cow” means that the child should moo, “cockerel” means crow...

The game goes great with children of all ages! The mood rises, and with it the excitement of participation.

Game "Put your nose on"

All that remains of the daisy is a circle, “with a quick movement of the hand with a felt-tip pen,” it turns into a face without a nose. The child's task is to attach the nose while blindfolded. The nose is also magnetic, so it attaches perfectly. The joy knew no bounds.

Upon completion of the game, guests receive prizes and participate in the following competition:

Collect a picture

Each child has a picture cut into several parts (puzzle) and its uncolored original. The participants' task is to assemble a picture quickly. For participation in this competition, all children receive a prize: colored pencils.

Balloon racing

Each guest is given a balloon. According to the terms of the competition, children jump on the balloons until it bursts. The participant whose ball lasts the longest is the winner. All participants will receive consolation prizes - bracelets. And the winner receives a soft toy.

Musical chairs

The good old game of dancing around chairs to the music. There are one fewer chairs than participants. Dance while the music is playing; as soon as the music stops, the participants must take their place on the chairs. The one who does not get a chair is eliminated, and the game continues until one winner is identified. The winner of this competition also received a toy, and everyone else received candy.

Game "Colors"

Children stand in a circle. The adult commands: “Touch yellow, one, two, three!” Players must find the named color around them as quickly as possible and touch it. This could be an item of clothing, some object, part of the body, etc. The last person to find the right color is eliminated from the game. And the game continues with a new color. The game continues until a winner is identified, who receives a box with a puzzle as a gift.

The best driver

Long threads of the same length are pre-attached to two machines, which are also attached to pencils. The task of the participants is to stand at a distance of the length of the thread from the cars and wind the threads around the pencils, bringing the cars closer to them. The winner is the one who winds the entire thread faster and picks up the machine. The prize is a snake puzzle.

Harvest the harvest

Toy fruits are placed throughout the house. Children are given bags and they must find as many fruits as possible. Everyone receives a memorable prize - a book.

After the harvest, I invite everyone to relax and unwind a little. All guests are invited to a paper doll theater with Three piglets"

After the story, the children look at their prizes, play and dance. At the end of the celebration, each child receives a balloon as a gift. On the street, everyone launches their balloons into the sky. The holiday is over!

And if your baby is only a year old, then here. You'll find lots of tips and fun ideas on Mom's Guide!

All the best!

With love,

Lyudmila Potsepun.

We invite you to watch a fascinating video on our video channel "Workshop on the Rainbow"

Birthday– the most long-awaited, brightest and most beloved holiday for a child! The best friends are invited, the festive table looks incredibly appetizing, everyone is waiting in line to present memorable gifts, boisterous laughter, real fun, favorite songs... Oh, what a pity that birthdays are only once a year! But on the other hand, this is precisely why this holiday is so long-awaited!

So, your baby Your birthday is coming up very soon, and you are at a loss. How can you arrange the best holiday for someone who means everything to you? And of course, how to please your guests and make this event the most unforgettable for everyone?
Important note. To ensure that everyone remembers your baby’s birthday as the most fun, positive and vibrant event, then competitions(and games) required! A little good competition, development of imagination, and of course, unforgettable emotions - all this is guaranteed!

The beginning of the holiday.

So, the celebrations for the birth of your baby are just beginning! We meet the guests, politely greet the children and their parents, lead everyone to the room where your miracle holiday will take place. Beautiful decorations, a festive table, you can play the funniest children's songs. Guests look around with interest, get used to the new environment, smile, and then begin to congratulate the birthday boy. Probably the most pleasant thing for a child on this holiday is to receive long-awaited gifts. What could be more pleasant, what could be better than seeing your child happy? His eyes sincerely glow with happiness, the smile never leaves his charming face - this is happiness for parents!
While this little gift-giving ceremony is going on, scatter a large number of balloons on the floor (of course, they need to be inflated beforehand). Distribute festive hats to the main hero of the occasion and guests. If the birthday boy turns 5 years old, then on your command the children should clap their hands 5 times, and then immediately reach for the balloons, throw them up shouting “Salute!” Again they reach for a new ball, again shout out “Salute!” This action will last about a few minutes :) Well, in the meantime, you instruct one of your parents to film all this magnificent action on a video camera (phone, camera) for your family video archive :) While this little holiday chaos is happening, you can set the table. Invite guests to the table. Well, now it's time for the first competition!

First test “The most delicious competition».

Invite your little one to participate first. Blindfold your baby and put a berry or a small piece of some fruit in his mouth. Of course, the choice should be rich: apples, pears, kiwis, bananas, strawberries, blackberries, cherries, grapes, etc. The hero of the occasion must guess what kind of delicious fruit or berry he just ate with pleasure. We are also holding this competition with all interested participants. Pampering is allowed - you can put various gelatin candies, a small piece of cake or chocolate in the children's mouths. By the way, be sure to find out the preferences of the guests in advance. Well, those who correctly guessed the “lots” receive those same fruits or berries as a gift :)

Second test "Treasure Hunt".

Sounds intriguing, right? To play this wonderful game, you need to prepare the props. So first of all, draw "Treasure Map". To do this, you need to take a sheet of Whatman paper, paints and draw (or copy) a treasure map. If you are an unimportant artist, it doesn’t matter! You can always ask one of your friends or older children for help. A masterpiece of fine art is of no use here. The main thing is that everything is from the heart. Believe me, children feel it;) The map must have symbols and markers. “Start” of the adventure, “Finish” (in fact, this is where the “treasure” is hidden) and intermediate tasks. I will explain in more detail the whole essence of this game. To begin, distribute to all children the food purchased in advance from the holiday store. These are pirate hats, the legendary black flag with a white skull, blindfolds, stylish pirate bandanas, vintage compasses, etc. Children begin to “reincarnate” into sea wolves with interest and look intently at the ancient compasses in their hands.

Another moment - and they are ready to go in search of treasures! By the way, as the team captain, you should also wear a hat, as well as a blindfold (at a minimum). Of course, it will be really cool if you come out to the kids dressed as a pirate! :) It's up to you to decide. So, you inform your faithful “team” that there is a treasure hidden somewhere nearby and you need to carefully study the map. Children curiously examine your “Treasure Map”. So, our adventure begins! Children complete intermediate tasks as they make their way to the Finish Line. Tasks can be very different! For example, jump for 30 seconds on one leg or recite any poem; guess a cartoon character faster than others; portray your favorite fairy tale hero and much more (use your imagination). By the way, you can agree in advance with parents who will “wait for” the children at different stages of this game and give tasks. After successfully passing all the tests (at this time you need to move around the apartment), the children reach the “Finish” and finally find the treasure! You need to buy several toys (or candies) in advance. Accordingly, it would not hurt to ask the parents in advance what exactly their child wants. The toys should be small (something like symbolic souvenirs), you can buy a small pirate chest (stores sell those made of cardboard). The treasure was found, the children were very happy. They laugh, show off their “trophies” and eagerly await the continuation of the holiday. The pirate theme is statistically more close to boys, BUT girls also love to look for something, complete fun tasks, and, of course, receive prizes! By the way, all pirate paraphernalia, as well as costumes of brave corsairs, can be bought in our store at an affordable price!

Third test "Guess the beast".

And now a calmer, but no less fun test :) It’s called “Guess the Beast”. We blindfold the baby again and give him a soft toy. For example, a stuffed giraffe. The baby must determine by touch what kind of animal it is :) You can involve your parents in the game. Let them show their kids that this game can be really fun. To do this, you can “guess” the animal for a long time, make ridiculous assumptions, and finally “call” the same giraffe a bear. The children will be delighted! Prizes for everyone, no doubt!

"I want to be..."

Fourth competition “I am an artist, that’s how I see it!”

A fun competition for kids who love to draw. Hand out a small sheet of paper and markers (or pencils), blindfold all participants except the hero of the occasion, and ask them to draw a picture of the birthday boy. The kids try to draw the main character of the festive evening, puffing and laughing merrily. The one whose portrait turns out to be more believable wins.

Fifth competition “Movements are life!”

Children cannot sit still for a long time, so you can organize an incendiary competition called “Dancers”. Bring a wide variety of equipment, for example, balls, chairs, mops, soft toys, etc. We play different tunes in turns and ask the children to dance to the music in different ways. For example, a dance with an apple clutched between your foreheads or a dance riding on a broom :), maybe a dance with chairs or a mop, or maybe it will be the most touching dance with your favorite soft toy. Whoever danced the most original and funniest will win a prize (this could be a small toy). The rest of the participants also need to be encouraged, for example, with their favorite sweets.

“Unfortunately, birthdays only come once a year...”

Your holiday is already coming to an end, the guests are already getting ready to leave. Invite them to draw what they remember most about the holiday today. You can even draw little girls and boys, as well as a “cloud” of their thoughts, on a large piece of whatman paper in advance. The kids will fill these “clouds” with drawings. Imagine, in 10-20 or more years, your adult son or daughter will see this sheet of Whatman paper with memorable drawings and will definitely smile, remembering his childhood. The most carefree and golden time in our lives is childhood. That’s why we really want our children to remember their childhood with a slight smile on their lips and to have only bright memories in their hearts :)

The guests have already left, and your baby is happy about the holiday you gave him. It’s time to look at the gifts again and again, but you only have to do a “little” cleaning;) You will sigh, and then smile kindly. But it was worth it, right? ;)
P.S. I hope this article was useful to you, and your holiday will be unforgettable :) I would like to note that in addition to pirate paraphernalia, we have many other accessories for the brightest event! We are always glad to see you in our store!

gastroguru 2017