Do guys like modest girls? Do guys like modest girls? Who likes modest girls?

Just ten to fifteen years ago, modesty was considered an absolute virtue. “Modesty adorns a girl,” they said then, but there were always girls, and men too, who retorted: “When there are no more decorations.” In the modern world, the opinion has become stronger that modesty, on the contrary, can only hinder the achievement of one’s goals. So is modesty a plus for a girl?

Reasons why guys like modest girls

There is an opinion that a modest and shy girl will make an ideal wife. First of all, a modest woman does not like to attract everyone's attention to herself, thereby she will not provoke outbursts of jealousy in her boyfriend. In addition, it is believed that modest representatives of the fair sex prefer leisurely evenings at home with reading a book and baking a pie to going to a club and noisy gatherings until the morning. This cannot but please a serious young man, oriented towards home comfort.

Modest women are indifferent to shopping - this rather controversial thesis is put forward by men who consider modest girls very attractive. In addition to saving money, which the flighty beauty will certainly spend on dresses, shoes, stockings, the modest woman will also devote all her free time to something more useful - study, work, arranging her home, finally.

The decisive argument in choosing a life partner, which is made between more and less modest girls, is the fact that often modest girls remain virgins for a long time. Thus, there is a high probability that you will be the first and only man with your chosen one, which, of course, cannot but flatter a man’s pride.

Reasons why guys don't like modest girls

Many self-sufficient men are not interested in girls who are overly modest, shy and unsure of themselves. Such girls are not able to take initiative in any matter, and even in those cases when it comes from a man, they only blush, turn pale and turn away. This is especially acute in intimate relationships, at least when they are just beginning.

Often a young man wants not only to be sure that his girlfriend is the best, but also to receive confirmation of this from others. A young man may be pleased to see that his girlfriend is being paid attention to and their gaze is fixed on her; and some envy on the part of his own friends actually raises his self-esteem. Of course, a flashy and confident girl attracts the attention of others to a much greater extent than a modest quiet one.

In fact, there is no single correct answer to the question of which girl is more attractive - modest or relaxed. Each person has his own preferences based on one or another life experience. It is important to remember that all people have a “half” - the same person who is ideal in all respects. It’s just important not to miss the moment when you meet this particular person.

Do girls really like shy guys or do they still like confident young men? Find out what girls see in a shy guy and what you can do to become the perfect guy for the lady you like.

Shy men can't help but be liked. And almost all girls feel safe around them. They talk little and listen well.

Many people definitely like cute, shy guys who can just sit and silently watch the ladies, smile sweetly and listen to everything they are told.

Why are shy guys better than confident young people?

First of all, they are good friends. They are good listeners and very attentive. Secondly, these are good lovers. Girls feel strong next to them.

Many representatives of the fair sex like guys who are shy at first, but soon, after a few conversations, open up. They definitely don't like young people who are constantly shy. But such people are rare, because even the most modest men liberate themselves immediately after a few conversations.

What should an ideal guy be like?

Shy young people have many positive qualities. They are more sensitive and caring, and girls enjoy their company. But despite this, the ideal guy is one who:

  • can protect;
  • able to provide;
  • will seek the girl's favor.

These three points are pretty simple, but these are exactly the requirements where almost every shy guy fails. And after that, with this fashion, a person immediately moves from the status of a boyfriend to the status of a best friend.

The bad qualities of shy guys that scare away all the girls

It is easy for representatives of the fairer sex to communicate with such men. But there are a few bad qualities that will turn off anyone, not just the girl you like:

  1. The problem is that these guys don't have the so-called backbone. They can't do anything. They often prefer to stand on the sidelines rather than take center stage.
  2. Shy guys are very accommodating and will give in to any problem to avoid conflict. Even if someone insults them, they will pretend as if they don't hear it, although in reality they are exploding with rage inside.
  3. Shy guys are more likely to back out of a fight than to fight. Although they tell everyone that fighting won't solve anything, in reality such guys are just weaklings.
  4. They are too slow. In order to get to know a shy guy better, a girl must have a lot of patience. When a beautiful girl can get any confident guy, will she be interested in advising shy men on how to act?
  5. Shy guys don't trust other people, especially other members of the stronger sex. If some leftist guy tried to hit on your girlfriend, would you have the courage to stand up and put him in his place? Alas, shy men are not capable of this.

How to turn your shyness into an advantage

Your shyness can create a lot of difficulties, especially when it comes to dating a beautiful girl.

Here are some tips you could use to make shyness your advantage.

Become a quiet guy

Transform your shyness into confidence. Don't let anyone think that you are shy. Instead, act like you're just a chill guy who likes his own space.

Act like you are a confident person

Try to talk less and don’t let anyone think you’re worried. Be less nervous and instead respond in short sentences that make you seem confident.

Be bolder, don't be afraid to come up and speak first

It's unavoidable. You need to gather your courage and start the conversation first. After the meeting, write the girl a nice SMS message. Walk her home in silence, avoiding any long conversations, and focus all your attention on your texts and gifts.

Take a walk in crowded places

Shy guys feel confident when they know everything is going according to plan. Don't be afraid of walking in a crowded place full of beautiful girls. Try to attract the attention of not only the fairer sex you like.

Don't tell a girl you're a shy guy

Saying that you are shy can work against you. She will immediately feel superior to you. By pretending to be a quiet guy, you can appear mysterious and more attractive to any girl.

The best way is not to be a shy guy

At some point, many were shy guys and shy girls. Some got rid of it in childhood, while others got rid of it in adolescence. The sooner you realize the need for change, the faster you can become a confident person. Here are five steps that can help you overcome your shyness.

Be more relaxed

Make every effort to become relaxed. What's the point of waiting until a few meetings are just friendly? Shy guys are cute friends, not cute boyfriends. A shy guy may be attractive to girls in your teens, but not when you're in your 30s.

Don't be afraid to meet girls

Feel free to approach ladies and start a conversation, even if you have no intention of dating them. Sometimes you just need a little socializing to feel more confident in your abilities. With such casual conversations, you might one day meet a girl you fall in love with.

Don't be afraid of being judged

Girls are just like you

Only they have female body parts. Don't forget that girls are also part of the human race. They like boys, just like you like girls. They want to make a good impression on you, just as much as you want to impress them. Some girls may have more confidence than you, but that doesn't mean you can't become as confident as them.

Learn from your mistakes

The dumbest shy guys are the ones who know they are shy and yet do nothing to open up. They are afraid of failure and rejection, and end up hiding in their own little world and thinking about how unfair the whole universe is to them. Don't be like that. It's normal to get rejected a couple of times before you meet the perfect girl!

So do girls like shy guys or not? Of course, they love you, but as long as the guy can be shy and confident at the same time. But if you can't be that guy, just follow the above tips and you are sure to win any girl you like with a little effort. Although it is possible that there are girls who are simply crazy about shy men, they themselves love to command and keep everything under control.

It is generally accepted that modesty adorns only girls. Guys should be arrogant and daring, these are the main qualities that attract the fair sex. However, this opinion is not always correct; there is a certain type of woman who likes such shy guys. What kind of girls like modest guys is the topic of our article.

Do girls really like modest guys?

Usually such quiet, shy guys are liked by girls who are militant, strong and domineering. They are often hunters by nature and are attracted to the exact opposite. Modest guys are almost always neat in appearance, dressed to the nines, when they look at a beautiful stranger they are shy, blush and don’t know how to behave with her.

This most attracts experienced girls who are accustomed to conquering men. They are turned on by inaccessibility. It just seems that a modest guy is easy to conquer and all you have to do is show some affection towards him. As a rule, such guys have a good understanding of girls and see them through and through, noting their every flaw.

But not only women with strong character like modest guys. Very often, such young people are chosen to build a family life, assuming that they will always be faithful husbands. Usually, excessive modesty gradually disappears without a trace when the first sexual experience comes. Therefore, such a man may be drawn to go for a walk, to get everything that he did not receive before.

The main mistake of all girls who want to please a shy man is persistence, and even obsession. This scares all men, especially timid ones. Only cunning and female wisdom will help here. Moreover, guys always see that such strong women like them and take advantage of it.

It has always been believed that modesty is the main dignity of a woman. But today, ideas about the attractiveness of a girl have completely changed, guys are increasingly choosing for themselves someone who is not shy and modest. Why guys are no longer attracted to discreet and mysterious girls.

What a modest girl she is

For a modest and shy girl, concepts such as not being too verbose, mysterious, passive, defenseless, and vulnerable are suitable. It would seem that all these qualities should attract the stronger sex. A real man wants to protect and defend his soulmate; a quiet and taciturn girl will become a faithful, caring wife and a wonderful mother for future children.

But there is also a negative side: lack of initiative, lack of ambition and own opinion, reluctance to develop, lack of self-confidence, pedantry. These qualities irritate men and guys today.

The main question: why do all of the above aspects of such girls repel young men? But the point is that modest girls mostly turn off only young guys– teenagers; in adulthood, a man’s values ​​change in the opposite direction.

Reasons for guys' antipathy towards modest girls

Firstly, a young and active guy will not even notice a modest girl, because in her young years she is busy studying and self-development, she does not have free time to meet and communicate with the opposite sex. Secondly, even if he notices her, she will outwardly be much inferior to her peers who lead and look defiant.

When young people are growing up, the choice of a potential partner for a relationship is based not on her personal qualities, but on her bright and beautiful “packaging”. Stylishly dressed, bold and even daring girls are “pride” for a teenager; they are not ashamed to show her to their friends, go to the cinema or a disco with her. A modest girl, who more often than not at a young age resembles a “gray mouse” rather than a fatal beauty, will not arouse interest among friends and will not become the life of the party.

Another reason is the “hormonal explosion” in teenage boys. A promiscuous, immodest girl agrees more easily to intimacy. That is, easy accessibility attracts guys, which is difficult to say about a modest girl. At best, it will take a long time to persuade her, and at worst, this will not be possible. By the way, in most cases this is the main answer to the question: why guys don’t like modest girls.

Self-doubt is characteristic of a modest girl; this not only prevents her from finding a worthy partner, but also in communicating with people. Men feel when a girl feels uncomfortable next to him, but not everyone realizes that the reason for this is her internal barrier, and not some of his shortcomings. In any case, the presence of complexes and low self-esteem becomes a serious obstacle for a young lady in relationships with the opposite sex.

The inability to stand up for herself makes a girl unattractive in the eyes of guys. A young man will take it as an honor to stand up for his significant other in front of other guys. But often modest girls are subject to ridicule from more daring peers, and in this case the guy will not defend the interests of his beloved, but will rather turn away from her in order to protect himself from outside attacks.

In general, during the period of growing up, young people look for bright and accessible girls. During adolescence, not a single young man thinks about a serious relationship with his chosen one; by and large, he doesn’t care what kind of housewife and mother she will be, what’s important to him is “here and now.” And a girl at this age does not think about starting a family.

By what criteria does a guy choose a girl?

If we talk about the fact that uncommunicative girls repel guys, then they are also not attracted to overly vulgar and intrusive people. More precisely, the lack of femininity will never attract a man, either a mature man or a teenager. Therefore, the bright appearance and sociability of a young girl is a clear advantage, which should be moderate.

At a young age, men evaluate a woman’s appearance not by her natural abilities, but by her ability to improve them. In other words, a guy is more likely to pay attention to a girl with moderately bright makeup than without it at all. A beautiful hairstyle and manicure, a penchant for experimenting with one’s appearance attracts and attracts guys. It is these qualities that modest girls are deprived of.

Sociability and a good sense of humor make a girl especially attractive. It is not easy to willingly enter into close relationships with such girls, but they can also just be friends or spend time together if they have common interests. Modest girls cannot always become an interesting conversationalist; more precisely, she will become more likely just a listener.

By the way, overly arrogant and demanding people also repel guys, and much more often than modest women. Some girls are spoiled from an early age by expensive things and excessive attention from their parents. Young, insolvent guys cannot provide a girl with expensive gifts and beautiful courtship, and they simply do not want to give them constant attention, since by and large they themselves need care and guardianship.


Indeed, relationships between opposite sexes in adolescence are a complex process when young people completely lack a sense of responsibility for each other, and neither wants to burden themselves with a serious relationship. Young people are attracted to simple and immodest girls, while others are attracted to “bad” guys.

With age, closer to 25 years, a man’s values ​​completely change in the opposite direction. An adult man is looking for a life partner among modest, decent women who will be reliable, faithful and caring wives. Although daring and bold women also attract older men, but rather in a sexual way, for example, as a mistress.

The question of whether girls like modest guys is difficult to answer unequivocally, since all people have their own preferences. But some girls prefer shy young men to “bad boys.”

Not always brutal, reckless guys can become the object of increased attention. Some girls love modest guys, but don't know how to behave around them. If you are one of them, then in our article you will find practical guides on how to please a modest guy.

Do you like modest guys?

We invite you to use our tips to conquer a modest man. First, try to understand the reason for his behavior - he is really shy, or he has a significant other and therefore he behaves modestly with the fairer sex.

Your appearance should always be pleasant, stylish and not provocative. Provocative outfits can scare him or spoil the impression.

Appear in his sight periodically.

Invite him to the theater or cinema - tell him that you have two tickets in hand, but there is no one to go with. In a movie, the situation can play into your hands: you can try to take his hand, put your head on his shoulder, and if you are ready to take a risk, try kissing him.

As an option, ask the man you like for help: reinstall the system on your computer, make an outlet, or nail a shelf. The main thing is to be sure that he will cope with your request. As a sign of gratitude, invite him to drink it with you or a glass of wine.

If you decide to win the heart of a modest man, do not overdo it with persistence. A few attempts will be enough to understand whether this person is suitable. If a man really likes you, he will respond to your actions.

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